Chapter 22: Time is ticking

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Chapter 22

Time is ticking

"Where the heck are they?!" Matt snarled in fury. "We have been driving and driving for a rotten long time!" He slammed his balled fist on Elizabeth's dashboard.

"Hey!" Elizabeth hollered. "It's my car." Matt whipped his head towards her while he had his lips in hard straight line, his nose flared. He turned around away from her and stared out the window.

They were following Aaron's car, a while back. Both cars had stop on a red light. Aaron's car was just a few cars in front of Elizabeth's on the third left lane. Elizabeth and Matt waited anxiously to move the car behind Aaron's, just as she was about to move her car into the second lane a big white truck stopped between them, blocking their view on Aaron's car.

The light hit green as all cars started moving forward, all cars except the white truck. Cars behind hers beeped impatiently and loud. Elizabeth didn't give a damn she was too focus on the truck to move. Matt hissed impatiently besides her.

"Why does itn't move?!" He hissed angrily. Just then the truck moved forward as he said that. Both their eyes widen with shock. Aaron's car was gone.

"W-How...," matt sputtered. He couldn't believe the car had disappeared like thin air!

Now there was yelling and endless furious beeping. Elizabeth stomped on the accelerator and made a u-turn. The wheels of the car yelled in pain by the movement.

"Where are they?!" Matt hollered at Elizabeth like she knew. "God, we need to follow them!"

"Shut up!!!" Elizabeth ordered screaming at him. "How the heck would I know?!"

Elizabeth stomped even more on the accelerator as they both bounced back by force of the car's speed.

Matt chewed on his thumbnail nervously as with his left hand he drummed his fingers against the dashboard.

"Will you stop that?!" Elizabeth hollered at him. "It's irritating!"

Matt glared at her with narrowing eyes. "You know what? Time is ticking and she could be in danger with that freak! I'm going to search for her on my own!" He placed his hand on the door handle as he jerked the door open and stepped outside into the cold twilight of the day.

"Hey! Y-" She was caught off by the sound of the slamming door. Matt began to jog forward not looking back even though through the honking of Elizabeth's car.

He passed through stores with strong light inside, trying to distracted him from his journey.

"I need to protect you Nikki," he swore to himself. Clenching his fists tightly he began running at full speed down into the street towards her house.

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