Chapter 4: The Black Envelope

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Chapter 4

The Black Envelope

No, dear god no! My hand trembled as I lifted the envelope and torn it open. I opened a page long letter. My lips trembled as I read:

Dear Nikki,

I saw you in the grey knee length at Kristen's party and let me tell something. You looked hot! But what I didn't like was the end of the party. You kissed Clark! How could you?! I thought after what happened with Chris you won't dare to go out with anybody! How wrong I was... Now I have to do things I don't want to do because of you! I thought I made it clear the last time I wrote to you. You won't be anybody else's but mine. If I can't have you then you're nobody's.

-Your eternal secret admirer

P.S: Sweet dreams my precious... I will always love you...

I slumped down on my bed shivering. I tear went down my cheek. He still loved me and he was still was there. Watching me. Stalking me.

Be strong, I thought. Be strong.

I need to tell Sami. Yes, tell Sami about this. I put on my shoes and ran towards the window. I opened it without making a sound and climbed outside in the freezing night. Sami's house was nearly two miles away from mine. So I half-jogged, half-ran the whole way.

Through the still night. The houses dark. Empty streets. The only noise I heard was my huffing and my shoes hitting the hard pavement.

About a block away from Sami's house I began walking now, until I got to her house.

Everything was dark. No sounds were heard only with the exception of few crickets making their music.

I hurried up to the window were Sami's bedroom was located. I grabbed on to the windowsill and tapped my fist against the glass.

I waited.

Come on, Sami. Come on! I need you!

After a minute or two, the blinds pulled up. Sami peered out at me; surprise on her face, her long light brown hair was a mess.

She opened the window. "Nikki? What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

I was too scared to utter a sound. Trembling I took out the tiny black envelope. Her eyes eyes bulged in horror. Quickly, she slid the window open further. She reached out, and helped pull me into her room.

I plopped into her bed and blurted it out. "He's back, Sami. That crazy obsessive guy! He's back!"

"I thought he was gone! But, no we got to tell this to the police! This has gone long enough!"

She held her hand out and gave her the envelope. She read it and gasped out loud.

"This guy is obsessive with you! Seriously, he needs to be in a mental hospital. I wouldn't doubt he was one behind Chris murder," she said sourly.

I trembled uncontrollably.

"Listen, to me Nikki," Sami said serious. She grabbed me by the shoulder and studied me seriously. "You need to tell your parents or the police before this gets out of hand! It has been what? Two years since he has been harassing you."

I shook my head. "He knows everything about me, Sami! He knows where I live, my friends, everything I do he knows!"

Sami kept her eyes on mine. "Even the more reason to tell the police. If you let this continue then who knows how this will turn out."

I hesitated. "You're right. But I thought it was over since after...after," I took a deep breath. "After Chris death, ever since then he hasn't been sending me anything anymore I thought he was gone. And now that I was going out with Clark he came back." I bit my bottom lip worried. Sami wasn't looking at me anymore. She had her eyes glued to the letter in her hands.

"We have to say something, Nikki," she insisted.

I knew what I had to do. I crawled towards the window and jumped out.

"What are you doing, Nikki?" She hissed at me.

"I need go," I said. "I promise am going to tell me parents as soon as they wake up."

She nodded and watched as I disappear into the night.

Once I was out of her sight I stopped. I can't tell anyone about this, I thought scared. What if I say something that will get him mad? What if he...he kills Clark?

"No," I said denying it. "I won't tell Clark about this I cannot."

I sighed heavy and began to walk towards my house. I looked up to see the sky as it turned purplish.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Scared, I began to walk a little bit faster. It followed me.

I shrieked as I felt a stab of cold on my arm.

"Shhhhh!" it hissed angrily I recognized the voice. Aaron.

I turned around.

"What are you doing here?"

Aaron wrapped his arm around my neck, a strange smile on his face. "I followed you," he said. "I woke up and couldn't sleep so I decided to go and drink some water. As I went towards the kitchen I saw something outside move. I quickly went outside to check, but saw nothing then I saw you climb out your window so I followed you."

My head spun with questions.

He saw something move? Was it my secret admirer? Was he near me when I wasn't aware?

Aaron's eyebrows were pulled together in a worried face.

"What's wrong? You suddenly turned white." I buried my face into his chest as I began to sob. I was scared to death.

"Whoa! Hey what's wrong?" He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face up so he could my face.

"Nothing I just for some reason got emotional. You know girls," I said shaky. I didn't want him to find out. I didn't want him to be in danger because of me.

"Ah, okay," he said understanding. We began to walk towards our home silently.

"You sure are cold," he said rubbing my left arm trying to warm it.

"Yeah, sorry," I said.

We walked in silence the way towards our neighborhood. The sun was beginning to rise by now. Aaron unwrapped his arm around me. I stopped.

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