Chapter 6: The Truth

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Chapter 6

The Truth

I was barely opening my eyes when Aaron threw a pillow on my face. "Wake up sleepy butt!"

"Agrh! What do you want?! Can't you see am sleeping?" I yelled at him. He had his arms crossed at his chest in a serious expression, and then pointed the watch next to my bed.

"Oh, crap!" I was late for school! I got up in a whiplash, yanked some pants that were on the floor and rushed towards the bathroom.

"You're welcome!" I heard Aaron yell. After less than five I came out rushing downstairs like a manic. Aaron was at the door, he had his left arm raised as he carried my backpack.

"Thanks," I cried as I passed him grabbing my backpack and ran outside. Matt was waiting at his door.

"Get running Matt or our butts well be in detention," I yelled passing him. He looked confused, but began running.

"I thought school was suppose to begin at eight," He huffed beside me.

I turned to face him, trying not to bump into anything on my way. "Huh? It's not 8: 05?"

He frowned. I stopped to stare at him confused. "What?"

"Well," he lifted up his left wrist and checked his watch. "Here it says 7:45 am."

"What?" I yanked his wrist towards me, took a look, and drop it. Anger flushed through my veins.

"That bastard! He changed the time to my bedtable clock! Agrh!"

I clasped and unclasped my fists. Finally, I took a deep breath and started to calm down. I sighed. "I was barely opening my eyes when my brother woke me up, I saw the clock and I thought I was late that's why I came rushing out of my house."

"Oh," he finally said. Seconds passed by without us saying anything or moving. I felt uncomfortable. Without waiting for him I started walking. I could feel his green eyes on my back.

Crap, I thought. I'm alone with this weirdo.

He cleared his throat and silently walked besided me. We walked in silence during the whole way towards the school. I felt my throat tighten. Every once in a while I could feel his heavy stare on me. I swallowed nervously.

Why, I thought shaky. Why does he stare too much? Why does it feel like I should run right now?

We kept walking in the dead silence until we caught a glimpse of the school.

"So do know your classes?" I asked trying to get rid of the uncomfortable sensation as I stared straight ahead. I saw some students carrying books as they talked to their friends.

"No, I have to go to the main office and get my schedule," he said seriously.

"Hmm." I looked around and saw a bunch of kids coming in our direction.

"Hey, Nikki!" Sami shouted. She came running up to us, her brown coat open and flapping behind her as she ran. "I've been calling you. Didn't you hear me?"

I felt a wash of relieve. I smiled wide, "Sami hi. What's up?"

"Clark was loo-," she stopped when she saw Matt beside me looking uncomfortable. He had his hands jammed inside his pockets, as he stared down at the ground, his lips twisted in a frown.

"This is Mathew my new neighbor," I said. She leaned down to meet his eyes.

"Hi I'm Samantha, but you could call me Sami," she smiled warmly expecting he would look up and smile back, but he didn't.

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