DOLLS- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jack Will Be Home Soon

Scarlett's POV

Once Chloe finished talking I looked around the room, admiring the warm purple couch. Then my peace was interrupted by a smashing glass. Chloe stood on her feet and stood in front of my, almost like guarding me? She turned and looked at me to see if I was startled.

"Let's get you a shower, follow me." Chloe started walking and I followed still wondering about the glass. Once we went out in the hallway I saw the staircase, suddenly Delilah came out the kitchen doors with her fists tightened. She looked at Chloe and gave me a side glance, Delilah then ignore Chloe's hand and ran up the stairs. Ignoring the kitchen, we both went upstairs and stopped at one of the two unlabeled doors. Chloe then smiled, I didn't know why.

"This is my favorite part about the house!" She giggled and twisted the knob, opened the door and turned on the lights. I gasped at the sudden smell of strawberry shortcake, I walked in looking at the hot pink walls. To the left was a three sink counter top, and all sorts of makeup and hair products filled the shelves. The glass shower could fit easily three people, and the bathtub had scented candles around it. Two doors were to the right that had a closet for towels and a small toilet room.

"The rules are to clean up after yourself and always do your hair like your doll." Chloe frowned and looked at the photo's on a wall I didn't see yet beside the sinks. Each doll had its own look, the blond one with straight hair was obviously Chloe. The one with very long wavy brown hair was Georgia. The red hair was obviously Delilah, then Kaylnn with dirty blond hair, and last was me.

I was about to cry until I heard Chloe coming closer to me. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. I turned making no eye contact with her. Please speak up Chloe! I begged but she didn't say anything, fine I will do it myself.

"Where is my shampoo and conditioner." I changed the subject quickly.

"Oh. well. Since your hair should be straight and your hair is brown use this shampoo and this conditioner 

Soaps are in the shower." Chloe handed me two bottles out the lower cabinets. Once she was done with showing me everything she gave me a tight hug and left the room.

Kaylnn's POV

I looked at the mirror in the hallway, my dirty blond hair was curled and went over my shoulders. I walked up the stairs and met Chloe half way.

"What happened in the kitchen, Delilah left very upset." Chloe gave me a worried look.

"Her and Georgia got in a huge fight, and Delilah threw a plate. How are we going to tell Jack, he will be furious!" I was so fine up until I realized what kind of trouble we could be in.

"Don't worry, it was an accident." Chloe lied tapping her chin. "You were washing them and you gave it to Delilah and it slipped out her hand." I nodded and ran the story through my head.

"Tell Georgia the story too." Chloe nodded and walked down the stairs to talk to Georgia. I headed upstairs  

to meet Delilah. I got to her door and read the cursive writing, once I was brought to reality I knocked on her door.

No answer.

I slowly opened the door and saw Delilah looking at dresses in her closet.

"How long do you think we will be doing this?" She whispered holding a dress up to her while making no eye contact with me.

"Be more specific.

"With his fantasy. Everything just doesn't seem real anymore, sometimes I forget my mothers name." Delilah put the dress away and looked at me.

DOLLSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora