DOLLS- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Clearing The Air

Delilah's POV

I sat up exhausted, but I had to pee so I jumped out of bed and opened the door slowly. Everything was dark but I held the railing for direction. Once I got to the bathroom I did my business and walked out. I looked around to see no one, when I got to my room I was startled to see Jack there.

"Hello Jack." I smiled. I must look like a mess! He smiled and walked toward me.

"I really don't like punishing you." He smiled. It took me a while to process what he meant. I suddenly remembered about the plates. A hard hand went across my face and My head jerked to the left. I knew I shouldn't talk but I wanted to tell him it wasn't my fault, instead I looked up at him with widened eyes. "One more foolish thing like that and you can spend a week in the box!" Jack spat at me and walked out the room.

Stunned, I slowly walked to my bed and tried to go to sleep. The next morning I woke up and hear whispering through the door. I hopped out bed and opened the door to see no one? But then there was more whispering, except more clear now. I followed the noise into the bathroom to see Georgia and Chloe talking to each other.

"Hey sleepy head." Chloe said clearly, I noticed her bangs were shorter and I could now clearly see her eyes. She walked to the counter and began applying her blush. Georgia just looked at me, I could see it in her eyes Jack talked to her. I quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"I am so sorry!" I whispered in her ear.

"Am I missing something?" Chloe blurted out and I laughed a little.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't put this on yourself." Georgia pulled away slowly and smiled, I smiled back. Chloe just seemed confused but after a couple of seconds finally got what we were talking about. I ran into my room and got dressed, put my shoes on, and put on my makeup along with doing my hair.

Once I walked out of the bathroom Scarlett was walking toward the bathroom, she was already in her dress which surprised me. I had to talk to her, but she walked right past me! That bitch!

"Scarlett, I need to talk to you." I said in a clear and loud tone so she couldn't ignore it.

"Yes?" She turned on her heels and faced me, looking a little surprised.

"I wanted to say sorry...." I paused. "For being a huge ass!" I laughed a little. She just looked at me but then slowly walked toward me and hugged me tightly.

"I forgive you Delilah." She said and then walked down the stairs leaving me completely shocked. What just happened? Well I guess all the drama is cleared out of the house. I sighed in relief and walked slowly down the stairs. What was today? Oh yes, it's Wednesday. Tomorrow was Jack's day off so we have to get everything ready for him.

"Hey Kaylnn!" I sounded happy walking into the kitchen. I smiled and walked to the island and grabbed and apple.

"Are you ok?" Kaylnn seemed worried as she wiped down the counter tops. I bit out of the apple and tasted the sourness of the green ones.

"Never better, but I should've eaten a red apple." My face scrunched up but I continued to eat.

"Yea. They are pretty nasty." Kaylnn smiled and began to sweep the floors. Her dress was black with zebra print, Kaylnn was obsessed with it!

"What are my chores today?" I questioned looking at our chores chart on the white board on the only empty wall. 'Jack's room and bathrooms.' I rolled my eyes and completely lost my joy.

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