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Chat between H🐸 and Z🔥

Z🔥 you should be more careful with what you do online H

H🐸 what?

Z🔥 people are questioning who I am and what is the relationship between you and I. My face is on every fanpage out there

H🐸 well those fanpages are blessed with your beauty now

Z🔥 H, I'm serious

H🐸 i know but we are gonna meet one day and we are gonna hang out and picture of us together are gonna be out there anyway, better prepare them

Z🔥 some of them think we are together

H🐸 well we have already established that we like each other maybe one day we are gonna get there

Z🔥 H, I want to remind you you are not out yet

H🐸 yet

Z🔥 you want to come out?

H🐸 not yet, maybe if things get more serious between us yes, but I'll have to discuss this with my management.

Z🔥 oh and H I don't want you think I'm saying this because I don't want people linking me to you, but I care about you and I don't want you to hurt, so be careful

H🐸 I will💓

He's Famous (Zarry Stylik) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora