#137 (Harry)

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''What the fuck happened Harry?!'' Louis shouted as he answered my call.

'' I- I don't really know, Lou,'' I answered sincerely.

''How can you not know? Your lips were attached to another person's lips ... a freaking girl, none the less! I can't believe you, how could you this to Zayn?''

'' I fucked up,'' I sighed.

''You did,'' Louis said coldly.

''I swear that it wasn't my intention. I-I don't know how it happened. She just came up to me and kissed me, I don't even know who she is, and of course, paparazzi had to be there to take pictures of the whole thing! I told Zayn but he wouldn't believe me and now he's gone and he doesn't want to see me and I don't know what to do,'' I said frantically forgetting how to breathe.

''Harry, please, breathe. I mean you can't really blame him there are pictures and-'' 

I stopped him by saying, '' you should know that paparazzi pictures extrapolated from the context could mean anything.''

''I know, but Zayn doesn't''

'' I just don't want to lose him,'' I said as tears threatened to come out.

''Haz, he'll come around, just give him some time. I'm sure that as soon as he has cooled off a bit he'll be willing to hear you out,'' Louis tried to comfort me.

'' I-'' I was stopped,'' Sorry Lou I have an incoming call from management, I have to take it. Could you hold the line for a  moment please?''

'' Sure Haz.''

So I answered the call.

'' Hello Mr. Styles, we hope you are enjoying the publicity you are getting."

He's Famous (Zarry Stylik) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now