#101 (Zayn)

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The following morning I woke up feeling disoriented. For a few minutes I didn't understand or better, remember where I was.

I opened my eyes, the light immediately filling them, leaving me blind for a few seconds. The I heard a voice calling me.


I turned around and everything came back to my mind.

I had slept on the couch.

The night before after Harry and I had had sex, I had told Harry the three words. I didn't mean to say them this soon, I just said them spontaneously so I didn't really expect him to say I love you back. What I didn't actually expect though was for him to say nothing at all, get up from the bed and leave me there alone, on the bed right after we had sex for the first time.

So I ended up sleeping on the couch.

"Zayn, please talk to me," Harry repeated touching my shoulder.

I scrolled him off and sat up, " I don't wanna talk to you."


"Piss off," I huffed and got up from the couch, waking towards Niall's room.

I opened the door, finding him sleeping with Louis, I knelt down near the bed on Niall's side, starting to shake him awake.

He grunted and without opening his eyes said, "what do you want?"

"C'mon Niall, please." I pleaded.

He finally opened his eyes and looked at me, "what?"

"I need to go out."

"Then ask Harry."

"I'm not talking to him right now, I need to go out with you."

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