Chapter 1.

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A/N: I'm proper excited about this story, sorry if updates are slow, this takes a while to write and I'm busy or lazy a lot so yeah but for people who read ilysm and don't forget you can vote and comment, that'd be awesome, ta.

Dearest Lily,

I have not long arrived in the trenches. I'm not sure where we are to be truly honest with you but no doubt we will be moving on somewhere else soon anyway. It's nasty here, my feet are dirty from the knee-deep, sludgy, wet mud that we must trudge through and sleep in, well what sleep we get is usually just an hour or so's nap. The sound of gunshots, and death and bombing is never far away, but that's when I think of you my dearest Lily, my best friend. It's probably not best to think of you however, it makes me more homesick than I could already be, I doubt I'll ever see you again.

I hope you are well and the home front is treating you better than the trenches here are treating me, and I hear the war is really helping out you suffragettes, I hope you are still fighting as strong as ever.

I hope to see you soon Lillian, although I feel it is unlikely.

All my love,

Harry Styles xx

My fingertips brushed over the words I read as my fingers trembled. The small suitcase of my belongings that I held in my left hand almost fell to the floor as a result of the uneasiness that overtook my body. When I looked up, there was a man before me, who I strongly presumed was a soldier, well I wasn't certain but he held authority over me and I suddenly realised he was attempting to get my attention.

“Miss, Miss?” he spoke with a northern accent of some kind.

“Yes, sir” I responded to him.

“We are here, you must be off now please” he instructed. I suddenly became aware that we had stopped and I stood, following everyone else that got off of the boat.

As I was met with the salty air of the French coast I inhaled a breath before being greeted by someone who asked my name.

“Miss Wells?” the small, woman asked me, she looked of a similar age and I smiled and greeted her back as I realise we must be going to the same place.

“Mary Davis, nice to meet you”, she shook my hand, introducing herself and smiling at me.

“Come we have to go this way” she said, leading the way in far too jolly of a manner towards a truck like vehicle that would take us to the hospital.

“I hear the matrons are always really strict” she said as we took a seat on the back of the truck. She acted very stupid so I blocked the sound of her voice out as I observed my surroundings.

“What's that?” she asked suddenly, taking me out of my daydream. It was then that she snatched the piece of paper out of my hand that I had completely forgotten I was holding. I tried to retrieve it from her grasp but she was too quick to read the words.

“Harry, who's Harry?” she asked. “Is he your husband?”

 “Absolutely not, I am far too young for that Mary, now please mind your own business” I snapped at her and she appeared to get the message as she was quiet for the rest of the journey. When she returned my letter I folded it neatly and placed it into my skirt pocket.

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