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Telltale Heart

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I never looked at myself in the mirror.

If I did, I'd end up seeing the emanating glow from my eyes that foretold a night of tumultuous visions and nightmares 'blessed' upon me by the deity that ruled my kind: the Moon Goddess.

No matter how hard I tried to hide from the visions she gave me, it never worked. I once stayed up for two days straight to hide from her—and ended up in a three-day coma filled with visions of what would happen to me if I ever tried that again. Let's just say they consisted of nameless tortures that I would rather reside in my subconscious than ever be spoken aloud.

Today, though, I peered at my reflection in the mirror as I placed the blue iris contact lenses on my milky white irises that seemed to glow from within after a particularly vivid vision.

The goal was to look 'normal' and not like the Oracle everyone in the kingdom feared. Maybe the contacts would help, or maybe they wouldn't. Only time would tell.

'We don't want any suitable mates getting scared off at first sight of you, Davina,' my parents had said. As if seeing the Oracle in person wasn't enough to strike fear into the hearts of each and every wolf and Lycan in the kingdom, they were forcing me to actively search out a male to rule with me. At school.

Today was my first day at an actual school where I wasn't privately tutored in Latin, French, German, and every other language a prominent wolf community resided—and I was dreading it. As if taking on an entirely new identity wasn't bad enough, I had to deal with adolescent males. That alone was enough to make a girl quake with fear.

They wouldn't know I was a royal, none of them would. I had to go by Vina, a nickname that I particularly loathed, and I would have to use a fake surname, which I loathed even more.

I wasn't ashamed of my royal status or anything of that nature, quite the contrary, I was enticed see what life was like beyond these walls, though the 'school' part was what ended up scathing my nerves the most.

The school I was going to be attending, however, was only a few measly miles away from the castle which I called home, so it wasn't very much of a reprieve when my parents could easily come and snatch me away.

The whole premise of attending one of the most prestigious academies in the kingdom was so that I'd find a suitable ruler to be by my side once my parents stepped down even though that time would be centuries away from happening.

'A young ruler must train to rule the kingdom with you, Davina', my father told me constantly during our lessons. It was better to marry early in order to acclimate the communities we would be ruling to the new monarch, though that didn't necessarily happen with my mother. She married my father after he'd already been the established ruler for centuries.

The majority of students at the academy would be children of higher up generals and soldiers in the castle, children of heroes from the infamous war twenty years ago, and wolves that both my mother and father had hand-picked from nearby communities to attend.

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