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No, seriously.

I think I need help.

*Passes out*



Okay, never mind, I'm back.

Again, thank you guys so much. This seriously just made my whole year.

Also, get ready for a feels trip. (Sorry in advance)



I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I couldn't seem to do anything right, I tripped on the carpet in the bathroom and hit my head against the tub, I spilt hot water all over my shirt, and cracked my favorite cup in half. I was in a foul mood, and Ahk was trying to cheer me up, but without any success. 

"Hey, come on, even if you've hit rock bottom, things can only go up from there." He smiled at me and planted a light kiss on my forehead. "Hey, I've got an idea, this might cheer you up." He ran out of the room.

I was about to follow him and see what he was doing when the phone rang. I picked it up and a gruff voice responded. "Is this miss Snow? Yes, well, this is a recording because I am very busy right now. I'm the head of NYU, and we've heard that you've been involved in some foul play in your tests, and I'm calling to inform you that you are hereby expelled until we can think of a suitable punishment." I heard the click of the phone being put down on the other end and took a moment to process his words. 

Foul play in my tests? Cheating? There must've been some sort of mistake! I didn't have time to get angry or call back, because my brother's number showed up on the phone. I sighed and picked the phone back up. "Hel-" I stopped when I realized that he was crying. "Nathan? What's wrong?" I said with a shaky voice. He took a deep breath. "She's gone. In her sleep." He choked and hung up. 

Who? Mother? I knew she was sick, but she couldn't have been this sick. Besides, no one ever told Nathan, how could he have known? I tried to convince myself that this was some sort of sick joke, but no consolation could stop the tears from flowing down my face. I leaned against the wall and let gravity pull my body to the ground. I buried my head in my arms and let the tears fall. 

When was the last time I saw her? Oh, right. I was storming out of my dorm room because she had come to visit me without telling me, and embarrassed me in front of my friends. I laughed bitterly. Stupid, naive me.

I heard Ahk walk back over to me, he must've not noticed my tears, because he held out a blue stuffed elephant to me. "Here, maybe Mr. Font-Font will cheer you up." He smiled and poked my nose with the trunk. 

I don't know whether it was the fact that I was close to bursting out in even more tears or whether it was the fact that the elephant was a gift from my mom, but I just exploded.

I snatched the stuffie from Ahk and threw it at the wall in anger. "I DON'T NEED A STUPID ELEPHANT RIGHT NOW, YOU IGNORANT JERK! I JUST GOT EXPELLED FROM NYU AND MY MOTHER JUST DIED. AND YOU'RE SHOVING A BLUE ELEPHANT INTO MY FACE. You know what?! Just get out. GET OUT." I yelled mostly at no one in particular, but Ahk seemed to think that it was directed towards him. He gave me a hurt look and walked out of the room sadly. I heard the door close and I buried my head into my arms once again and slowly drifted into sleep.

I woke up sometime close to dark. I was confused as to why the phone was off it's hook and why it's droning was echoing all throughout the room. Then everything came crashing back to me. Oh god. Had I really yelled that to Ahk? 

I felt like a terrible person. Something could have happened to him. Oh god! Something could have happened to him!! He wasn't accustomed to this world, and the dangers it carried. 

I hurried and grabbed my coat to go find him. 

I headed out towards the park that we were at last, he had to be there. I waited impatiently at the crosswalk for the light to turn green. That's when something caught my eye.

There were three cars in a collision, each crashed into each other while the drivers tried to desperately swerve away. But that wasn't what caught my eye. In the midst of all the dust, was...

I leaped over the terrace railing and onto the road, not bothering to check for cars, running towards the fallen figure as fast as I could. 

"No, no, no, no." I whispered over and over again. I jumped onto the hood of a car and then ran over it and leaped towards the fallen figure. 

I clutched his blood-soaked shirt and cradled his bloodied head in my arms. He was covered with so much blood he was almost unrecognizable to anyone that knew him. 

Except for me. Because to me, it was the painfully clear face of my dear and closest friend. 

There I sat cradling the slowly dying figure of Ahk.

Hoping desperately for a miracle.

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now