Blind Love - Chapter 1

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By: isabelle1994

Chapter One

My story starts off with me saying that love is extraordinary. I always believed in cheesy romances and loved watching the notebook and reading John Green’s stories. Out of all of the romances novels I have listened to and the movies I had read, I never caught on to the fact that love is extraordinary. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize, but I now know. 

My story starts off with me being born. Now lets skip ahead a few years. When I was thirteen, my family was in a horrible car accident after being struck off the road by a drunk driver. It killed my father and left my mother and I in a horrible condition. My mom luckily got out of the hospital shortly after the accident with a few broken bones, whereas I, Leah Harley, wasn’t able to leave the hospital so soon. I became blind after that accident. It was a nasty accident and my eyes look horrible, but I luckily have tons of sunglasses to cover them up. 

Now, I am seventeen and living in a new neighborhood. My mother and I have spent the first week in this new house trying to help me memorize ever single room and piece of furniture in this house. I don’t want to end up falling down the steps and ruining my body even more. The only room I have down is my bedroom and the front porch. The porch is small and has two rocking chairs and one table in between them. My mom will take me outside and I will just sit on the rocking chair and rock to the sounds of nature. 

I remember the sounds so clearly the day my life turned upside down. I remember hearing the birds chirping and the wind blowing the leaves of the tree in front of my house. I could hear my mom vacuuming inside and the most memorable sound was the four wheels of a skateboard zooming down the sidewalk. Right on top of that skateboard was the boy who changed my life. Sam Freemont.

The first words Sam said to me were, “My mom wants to know if you have any extra eggs.” 

I laughed and yelled out to my mom who was inside cleaning. She ran up to the door and greeted Sam. “Hello! I’m Mrs. Harley.”

“I’m Sam.” I remember him saying that and I imagined him smiling, but I don’t know if he actually did smile. “My mom wants to know if we can have two eggs for some concoction she is making for dinner.”

“We may have some! Let me go see.” my mom ran back to the kitchen to check. That gave Sam and I two minutes to talk until she came back. 

“I live two houses down from here.” Sam said. 

“I live here.” I laughed. I thought I was funny at the time, but looking back, it was a horrible joke.

“What’s your name?” Sam asked.

“I’m Leah.” I said. I smiled and felt my cheeks go really hot. Just talking to him made me blush!

“Those are some nice sunglasses. You sure you need sunglasses when the sun is barely shining?” Sam asked. He let out a faint giggle and I remember trying to hold my laugh in at how adorable I thought that was. 

“I wouldn’t have noticed.” I said. Another joke. It wasn’t funny especially because Sam had no clue I was blind. Just at that moment, my mom came running outside with two eggs.

“Thanks!” Sam said. He took the eggs and rode his skateboard home right after saying a few more words to me. “We should hang out.”

That was the first time I met Sam. I never knew my life would change by meeting such a simple person. 

Meeting Sam wasn’t a coincidence. 

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