Blind Love - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Sam and I and had officially been dating six weeks after our very first date. He asked me out while we were at dinner. He kissed me on the cheek and I am pretty sure I was blushing pretty bad, but I didn't really care.

Our first kiss didn’t happen until we had been dating for one month. I had been wanting my first kiss for so long, but I was too nervous to ever really kiss Sam. I mean, I couldn’t even see him.

Sam has been doing so good understanding all my problems, which are mostly problems that revolve around me being blind. He always held my hand and helped steer me around and always gave me a detailed vision of what was around me by just using words. He would always take me to our favorite ice cream place. We would sit in the back of his jeep and we would share a vanilla ice cream. Sam would tell me what he sees and I will tell him how I envision it.

So back to the story of our first kiss. Sam took me out to the park and we both listened to music and shared our favorite music. We both laughed all day until it had gotten darker (I could tell as the temperature dropped) and he did that cheesy, yet romantic, thing where he gave me his jacket. I, being a fan of cheesy romances, took his sweatshirt and took it as a sign that he was most likely going to do something else…such as a kiss, and boy was I right!

I had felt a hand on my cheek and Sam moved my head towards his. I ended up giggling to hide my nervousness. I had no clue what I was doing!

“Is it okay to kiss you?” Sam asked. I nodded and he reached for my sunglasses so he could take them out of the way, but I pulled his hand away. “Sorry.”

“Sorry, can I keep them on?” I asked.

“No, I am sorry. You can keep them on.” Sam said. He cleared his throat and I felt him lean in closer. I got butterflies in my stomach and before I knew it, his lips were pressed to mine and I was having the time of my life.

Our lips touched for a good ten seconds until we let go. I wanted to have his lips pressed to mine longer, but I would probably have been too nervous to make it longer.

“That was my first kiss.” I said embarrassed.

“It was? You’re pretty good for it being your first time.” he said. We both laughed and I felt Sam’s hand touch my cheek again. He pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me again. When we kissed, I thought I could see his face. I imagined him just the way he was described to me.

Sam took me home after our very first kiss and brought me to our room. He kissed my cheek and left me lying in that bed. I was so happy that I found someone like Sam. After the car accident, I knew nobody would want to date me. I had read so many books thinking I could have a true love like the characters in the book had, but none of them actually made me feel better after I lost my sight. The Fault in our Stars was the only book that made feel like I still had a chance at love despite Sam and my differences. He seems very normal to me, but I am blind and he still chose me. At first, I thought there was something wrong with him, but he is just your average teenager. I sure was right. Love is extraordinary.

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