Chapter 30 - The Hike

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The pings of bullets ricocheting off of the fuselage of the extraction craft continued as they ascended towards the clouds. Denton resisted an impulse to lean out of the open door and return fire, knowing that it was unlikely to find a target. Next to him, Sidney held on tightly to his seatbelt, his face white. As they were enveloped by clouds, Leah smiled and gave Denton two thumbs up. They made it out, just in time. Denton leaned forward to congratulate his partner when a red light started flashing above them.

"What's with the red light?" Sidney yelled over the engine noise, eyes wide open.

"No idea," Denton replied. "Tanner, we've got a red flashing light inside the craft. Should we be worried?"

"I am analyzing the data from the craft right now. Unfortunately, it looks like the gunfire may have ruptured a fuel tank. You are losing fuel at an alarming rate."

"What does that mean? Will we make it to wherever this thing is supposed to take us?"

"I'm afraid not. I've been informed that the craft will be landing as soon as possible. Please prepare yourself for landing."

"Landing? No, wait, Tanner, it can't land here. We're in the middle of hostile territory."

"You'd rather die?"

"Of course not but landing here is not an option."

"I'm afraid it's the only option."

Denton slammed his fist on the bench he was sitting on. Leah leaned forward towards him. "What's wrong?" she yelled.

"We're going down."

"We're what?"

Denton pointed down. "We're going down. Fuel leak."

Sidney, who caught part of their conversation above the engine noise leaned in. "Did you say we're going down?"

Denton nodded.

Sidney threw his hands in the air. "Man, you said you'd take me out of here. I'm dead meat if they get me."

The craft shuddered and tilted left as it began a slow downward spiral. One of the rear engines sputtered and died, followed a few seconds later by the left wing engine. The angle of the tilt increased alarmingly as the three held on their gear.

"Tanner, a little help would be appreciated," Denton yelled as he saw the ground approach at an alarming speed.

"I'm afraid there's little I can do. The craft is programmed to level out before impact, but in its current state, it's anybody's guess what will actually happen."

"We're not leveling out, Tanner. We're going down."

"If you survive, Denton, please note that your regular extraction zone will be active. Please proceed there for secondary extraction."

"If we survive? Thanks for the confidence, pal."

"I'm merely stating pertinent information."

"How about something pertinent to a crashing aircraft?"

"Brace yourselves?"

Sidney suddenly screamed and pointed as he grabbed his safety belt with white-knuckled hands. "We're coming in too fast," he yelled and closed his eyes. Denton barely had time to brace himself as the craft attempted to right itself just moments before it plunged through the canopy of the forest below, just as the engines died. Denton shielded his eyes as the whine of the engines were replaced by the sounds of twisted metal and broken wood. They were showered with pine needles and splinters as they crashed through the thick canopy. The craft hit the ground nose first, its momentum causing it to flip over and land on its roof in a cloud of dirt, leaves and other debris. Denton, Leah, and Sidney found themselves hanging upside down, held in place only by their safety harnesses. Sidney continued to scream, eyes closed, his knuckles white from holding on tightly to his restraint.

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