Quicksilver and the New Girl

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Chapter One
I Know
Ugh. I hate school, but new ones are even worse. You don't know who the nice people are, or the jerks, or the stereotypical jocks, nerds, losers, none of which are typically true.

I forcefully push the bloody door open, accidentally making it hit the wall. I put my hands out like "sorry!" to the door and cringe. I drop my hands to my side and keep walking.
The office is the first room I see. Successfully getting my schedule and locker combination, I attempt to find my locker.

I look at my schedule, my blue streaked hair falling into my face blocking my view.

Someone rams into me, making me lose my balance for a second. I manage to steady myself, but in the process I drop all my stuff.

The guy helps me get my stuff and then he sees my locker number. "114! I'm 115. I'll show you where it is?"

"You're going out of your way! You hit me, proving you were going in the opposite direction!"

"Ooh! Smart. I like that," he winks and walks away, waving for me to follow him.

I run after him, catching up to him at the lockers. I look at the paper and then at my lock.

I've never had a combination lock before so I don't know how to use it. Nor did I bother coming to orientation... Whoops.

I just stare at it, wondering how to ask for help without looking like a loser.

The guy asks me, "Do you need some help with that?"

I sigh. "Yessss. Don't laugh."

I hand him my paper, and he leans over and opens my lock. Not gonna lie, he smells great. Not that bad looking either.

"What's your name?"

"Pietro. Maximoff. But call me Peter. Most people do," he says smiling. "And what do I call you?"

Maximoff has a hood covering his eyes, with tendrils of silver hair peeking out.

"The new girl!" a guy shouts out from a few feet away.

"New girl has a name!" I shout to him. I say at a normal volume, "My name's Tessa."

I hear some of the guys down the hall a bit laughing. I look at them wondering what they're talking about. Maybe it's the new episode of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. That was pretty funny. I laugh thinking about it.

I turn back to Peter and continue talking with him as we get our stuff, but I hear the guys talking about girls so I shush him and tell him to listen.

Guy 1: "She's not horrificly ugly, but she's not super sexy."
Guy 2: "Yeah. She's more of a not-so-sexy, but I'm-desperate-so-yeah."

I say to Peter, "Are all guys at your school sexist pigs?"

He shrugs. "Not the ones you'll be hanging out with."

Peter asks for my schedule, so I give it to him. He compares our classes and finds that we have six out of seven classes together. Score!

The five minute bell rings, signaling we ought to get a move on.

He offers his arm to me, bowing. "Shall we, m'lady?"

I giggle and curtsy as best I can with my dress, "We shall," linking my arm with his.

As we walk past the guys talking before, I hear them say my name... and afterwards the punchline: "There's the not-so-sexy girl who's only for desperate souls."

"Ignore them," Maximoff tells me. "They're jerks. I can't hit them, I'm on probation, but if I could I would. And just so you know, I'm not usually this nice," he says laughing.

"I'm good with that. No worries. Only to the not-so-sexy girls, yeah?" I say laughing. Rushed. Unnatural. Fake.

He smiles nervously and mutters, "Yeah, yeah," throwing off his hood and running his hands through his silver hair.

He smiles reassuringly at me as we near the classroom. As we walk in, we sit in the back of the class.

The guys that insulted me sat in front of me and in front to the sit, and Peter and I exchange a look of "oh my god can our luck get any worse" when the teacher says "Maximoff! Pleasure to have you in another class." Clearly sarcasm.

I sink lower in my chair and try to avoid being seen. Shouldn't have done blue streaks for the first day! Too noticeable!

The teacher introduces himself as Mr. Huff. He says a lot of random stuff, blah blah blah, when he spots me and says, "Ah! You must be the new student! Would you like to introduce yourself, Miss?"

"No, not really. No, thank you." I say genuinely. I hate public speaking.

Unfortunately, Mr. Huff took this as impertinence. "Introduce yourself right now, young lady!"

Reluctantly, I open my mouth and say, "I'm Tessa."

He nods and makes a motion with his hand and tells me, "Any hobbies? Likes? Dislikes?"

"I like painting, music, track, and I hate public speaking."

Maximoff next to me pipes up, "And me! She likes me!"

I shake my head in disbelief. "Yes, I like Maximoff over there too."
*~* After School *~*

I made it. Seven classes of pure torture. Well, six, but study hall. Plus lunch. (A/N: I don't know how it works with you, but that's my school. :3)

Six were softened by Maximoff (who likes his new nickname) and one was hardened by jerks.

After we stopped by our lockers and got the necessary textbooks to do our homework (which was a crapload for the first day of school), we began the (very long) walk home.

I have no idea where Maximoff lived, and he has no idea where I do, so we compare notes. He lives a few blocks down, and he's in the process of moving in.

We walk to his house first (illogical, but that describes my new friend quite well), where he throws his stuff in his room and then we walk to my house.

I open the door and walk up to my room, gesturing for Maximoff to come when he doesn't.

"Anything wrong there, mate? Reason why you're not coming?"

"Are--are your parents home?"

"Eh. Apparently not. And when you meet my mom, know that my dad died, so don't say anything about him. It was a while ago, but she's still very emotional about it."

I wait. "Is that the problem? My mom isn't home?"

He blushes, the pink like flame against his silver hair. "Forget I said anything. Lead the way."

I walk into my room, sit on my bed, and motion for him to sit across from me. He sits down on the chair there and fidgets uncomfortably.

A sudden pain bursts through my head. I hold my fingers against my temple. It doesn't help, but it makes me feel better. I close my eyes and try to lessen the pain.

Maximoff leans over and reaches his hand out. Retracts. Reaches. Touches my face. Asks if I'm okay. I grab his wrist and open my eyes.

"I know what you are, Maximoff."
Hey! So how about that, huh?
I saw DOFP and I'm freaking in love with Quicksilver omg. XD
He's brilliant.
What do you think?
It's long-ish.
((Parody of TFIOS omg I just realized that. :"( Why do I do this to myself. XD))

Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading it. :)


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