Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Evitan sat in her car across the street from the house party. Her fingers tapped rapidly on the steering wheel. Her heart was racing. She could hear it in her ears. She promised her parents she'd be back home before it was too late. She thought it was weird that this time they didn't give her a curfew. Before the accident, she was always given a curfew.

She listened to the faint static noise the radio was playing music over. Her foot lifted off the pedal. It's only one night, she told herself. It will be a good night. Nothing else. Except, it was the first night after a year and she wasn't in her home. God, did she miss her home. She wanted to hear her parents screaming at their favorite TV shows while she sat on the couch scrolling through her FaceBook timeline. It seemed that everyone forgot about her and Celestial. Evitan updated her profile picture a few weeks ago hoping that someone would notice her reappearance. Nobody noticed. Nobody at all.

She gave the timestamp one last look before she started the engine and left. The street lights were dim. There was nothing illuminating the road except the lights from the car and the oncoming drivers.

"Oh my god, Evitan," Celestial sighed, "It's just one party. We deserve something stress relieving after a year of being away from everyone."

Evitan flinched. She had forgot about Celestial tapping away on her cell phone. "It's a party Vixen invited me to. You know what I think about her."

Celestial put her head back. "She might be a total bitch about it, but it happened and she can't fix it. Look, pull over here."

She hesitantly drove to the side of the road. Her hands fell into her lap and her forehead pressed against the wheel. "I don't know anymore." She felt Celestial's hand on her arm.

"There's one good thing about right now, do you remember this place? Right here, do you remember what happened here?" She pointed at the road a distance away. "A year and a half ago?"

Evitan looked up. She couldn't remember anything. The only thing she remembered was of recently when she was learning how to drive again. She had no problem learning to drive again but anything more than a year back was almost too difficult for her to recall. "No."

Celestial rubbed her hands down her face. "Not even a little? Didn't the doctors tell you?"

"Nobody told me anything except someone hit me while I was driving and Vixen told me you were still at the party. And I have no idea how that would be a good thing."

Frustrated, Celestial banged her head against the dashboard and groaned. "I wasn't at the—you know what? Never mind."

Evitan peered into the mirror. There were no cars behind her, and for the moment no cars in front of her. She closed her eyes in hope that she would fall asleep and wake up in an hour. There was no hope. She couldn't even set foot into a house filled with people from her own school. Typically, the town provided her a feeling of content. Nobody that mattered to her was still around, the only person she had forgotten about, briefly, was Vixen.

A car behind her came full speed, the sound of their horn abruptly breaking the silence. She could practically feel the sound waves from their music being turned so loud. Celestial laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I bet they're coming from the party you couldn't make it in to," she said teasingly.

"Shut up."

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