Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Evitan laid in the pile of leaves. The dog park smelled like animal poop. She was slightly worried she was laying on top of one. She had no reason to be there, she didn't even own a pet. She just enjoyed watching people's beloved pets roam around. There was nothing better than an environment buzzing with energy.

She grabbed Celestial's hand floating in front her face. "I love dogs," she said. "I want a dog."

Celestial looked confused. "Maybe we should get back to your house. Doesn't your brother come home today?"

Evitan glanced at the time on her phone. "Oh, shoot." Her pulse began to rise. She was excited. It had been a couple of months since she last saw him. He stayed in college for her birthday and their father's. She'd be lying if she didn't miss him. There was nobody at home for her to discuss other people's private lives with. Those were the good days. She knew they were the good days. The ones that made her life better years ago.

Sometimes, she wished she was the same age as him. She wanted to run away from him again in fear of him wanting to fight her based off the latest wrestling match he heard of. She wanted to throw the Lego sculptures he created at him when he threatened to cut her hair. She didn't notice it right away, but she drove home with a dorky smile on her face the entire time.

"Oh my," Evitan whispered to Celestial. She pointed at the other vehicle in their driveway, with wide eyes, she jabbed Celestial. They looked at each other, one of them more surprised than the other. "He has a girlfriend?"

Celestial scoffed. "Motlee? Girlfriend? From what I remembered, he told us years ago he had no desire for female companionship until he made bank."

Evitan would be lying to herself if she wasn't disappointed. There was no pressure for Motlee to find a partner. She just wanted him to. The thought of have a legal sister to discuss the nasty habits of Motlee would be something she didn't mind looking forward to.

Evitan peered around the house. There was no sight of Motlee. It was silent. It felt suspicious. Almost too familiar. Perhaps it was déjà vu.

"Think fast!"

She felt her whole life freeze for a moment. She watched the object come flying at her face. Brown. Tan. Beige. Solid. Bread? The roll of bread bounced off the tip of her nose and fell onto the ground. "Perfectly good bread." She picked it up off the ground and dusted it with her fingers. "Yet, you wasted it. Hello, Motlee," Evitan lifted the roll of bread to her mouth. "And you too, Lloyd."

Motlee's eyes glistened for a moment before the wash of villainy took over. "You cow," he screamed. He watched her take a bite out of the bread. "That fell on the floor!"

She was amused. Evitan felt good. It had been a long time since she's had more entertainment than just her father's dad jokes and her mother's small episodes of panic. She sat down at the table with Motlee, listening to his short stories while being away in school. Each one was stopped abruptly to insert a small story of someone performing a degrading action based off of a dare. Evitan thought it was terrifying. She vowed never to go to a school and get involved in that lifestyle.

She observed Lloyd from a distance. Since the first day she was introduced to him, something was always off. He has a figure too common among people with bad intentions. He reminded her of the countless romance stories she used to read. For a moment in time, she thought something was wrong with her for not finding him desirable. Evitan figured her gut was her best instinct. She believed he was up to no good and promised herself to never get involved with an all-American boy. It was working so far.

"Hey," Motlee suddenly ended his story. "Ev, how do you feel?"

"What do you mean?"

"The, uh," he muttered, it reeked of embarrassment. "Accident." His eyes shifted towards the ceiling almost immediately.

Lloyd leaned forward. He was intrigued for the first time in a while. "Yes, Evitan. How have you been since that?"

She shrugged. Evitan didn't know how she was feeling herself. The last few months she had been telling herself everyday would be a good day. The therapy sessions are pleasant, but she finds no significant improvement in her health. The only person she ever talks to is Celestial, but half the time Celestial is gone. Away with this mystery person.

"I don't know," she said, her fingers twirling the hem of her shirt. "How are you supposed to feel when a portion of your memory is wiped?"

Motlee began to speak. His face was in a twisted expression of debating whether or not to respond.

"Good question, I can't answer that." He stands up laughing to himself. "College has made me pay thousands but hasn't taught me how to answer that. Scam."

Hearing Motlee laugh at a blank statement she created made Evitan feel good about herself. She didn't think she was naturally funny. Maybe it was the start to a good ending of her day. It's been a while.

She spent the rest of her day tagging along with Motlee around the house. His presence felt different, but then again it has been several months since he was home. There was no change in the way she felt about Lloyd though. Evitan would get a sick feeling in her stomach each time they were alone together for longer than a few seconds. She couldn't place her finger on it but it was potent. It was something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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