Introducing me

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My name is Tamsin Roselin, I'm 19 years old. I have wavy brownish blonde hair, brown eyes, I'm quite tall. When I was 12 years old I ran away from my family. It's a average size family.

Mother, Father, 2 brothers and then there's me. My family own a gang, my oldest brother, Jenco is 28 by now and owns the gang. He took it over. My younger brother, Oliver, is 16 now and he works in the gang. I had another sister, her name was Melanie, she would be 29 by now, but when she took over the gang she was 15 and she was an amazing gang leader. But she died in a shootout at the age of 22, so did her boyfriend and my parents handed the leadership down to Jenco.

My parents and the rest of my family shut me out of their lives like I was nothing. I look identical to Melanie and they didn't like any reminders of her. My parents started blaming me for her death because I was her second in command and I didn't save her in time.

They hit me everyday to show me that it should've been me. Whenever I got shot I had to clean the wound myself and patch myself up. They never helped me. With a year of that I just gave up and left. I doubt they ever even noticed it.

Other than that, I have a sleeve of tattoos and a few others on my body. I also have multiple piercings all over my body.

I have my own apartment in town and I walk to school everyday. No one knows that I don't have parents and it doesn't matter now because I'm 19. I work in a restaurant in the area to get money for the apartment and I'm a street fighter. I go to a place called the Cuddly kitten.

I know it sounds rediculous, but that was the point. They have many fights. I fight grown men and women in a ring and I fight for money. I train there and I enjoy it. I don't just fight in the ring. The owner of the Cuddly Kitten is a drug dealer.

They have been for years. She had some men she hires to sell the drugs and when someone hasn't paid Audrey for the drugs, it's time to collect. That's where I come in. I don't do it often, but I do sometimes. I go to the address I'm given or an ally where we meet and if they don't give me the money, then I get to beat them up, threaten them, search them, until I get the money. I get paid to do it, so I'm keeping up woth the bills.

I don't have any debts on my apartment. I don't do drugs myself, that's nasty stuff. In the Cuddly Kitten, people call me Temper. They don't know my real name. It's the easiest thing. You don't want your real name to be caught up in something like this.

In the Cuddly Kitten I have my own outfit. A different outfit for school. In school, everyone thinks I'm a nerd who has no friends and can't stand up for herself. I don't want people knowing my past. I do my homework and I want to get a real job somewhere. I want to get through school.

I may sound intimidating, but I'm not, I promise.
This isn't much but I will be officially starting the story in the next chapter so read on for more, enjoy.

This book may be triggering at some points and contains content about self harm and danger so please read at your own risk.

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