Chapter 16

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Brandon POV

"Riley? Rebecca?" I say in surprise. I didn't expect to see them again.

"Omg, Bran" Rebecca says. "You could have told us you were coming"

"Oh come on, Becca. This is great" I say.

"What brings you back?" Riley says.

"It's a long story" I say. I put my hand on Tamsins thigh under the table and squeeze it to show that I won't tell them if she doesn't want me to.

"Alright, how do you know Tamsin?" They ask.

"She's my guide" I say.


Tamsins POV

We spend the rest of lunch catching up. Or should I say Riley, Rebecca and Brandon do. I sit next to Brandon, I'm still happy to have him back in my life, even if I wasn't expecting it. I get up to take my tray to the dirty tray pile. Jules comes with me. He turns me around.

"Hey Tamsin" he says "I wanted to ask you something?"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Do you like Brandon?" He asks me "like, more than a friend"

"I don't know, I've only just met him" I say. Of course, that's not true.

"I saw him put his hand on your thigh earlier, and I saw you come into school on the back of his bike this morning" he says quickly. He knows I've known Brandon for a while.

"Jules-" I begin.

"I like you, Tamsin" he says. Oh no, this is bad. I like him too, as a friend. He's not my type of guy. I love Brandon. There it is again, love. Do I love him? I don't know. Do I? I can't throw it away.

"As I friend?" I ask although I know the answer is a no.

"More" he says. He moves closer to me, close enough to kiss me. I move back so we have a distance between us.

"I'm sorry, I like you as a friend, but no more. We can be friends right?" I ask.

"I'll think about it" he says and storms off. He slams the cafeteria door behind him and everyone looks at it. The noise echoed through the room and everything went silent.

People looked at me, then the door. I walk over to the table and sit down. I put my head in my hands. I feel Brandons hand on my back.

"Tamsin?" He asks "What was that about?" I lift my head out my hands and look at everyone. I look at Brandon last and lock eyes with him. Worry, clear in his eyes.

"Jules said he likes me more than a friend. I said I didn't like him the same way. I asked if we could still be friends and he just said maybe and walked out" I say quickly. Brandon wraps me in his arms and I cuddle into him.

"Sorry, guys" Rebecca says. "Jules is very sensitive. We should go speak to him. We'll see you later" they walk out to find Jules. Brandon takes me out the room as well.

He pulls me towards a out of order disbled toilet. It's clean in there and it's fine to use. Brandon closes the door once we're inside and leans against the door. He opens his arms and I walk into them. He envelopes me in his arms.

"Why didn't you say yes to him?" Brandon asks.

"I" I say. I'm not ready to admit my feelings for him. But it's now or never. It's going to eat me alive if I don't tell him. I'm not even sure if I do love him or not.

"What?" He asks gently.

"I like you" I say.

"As a friend" Brandon asks.

"More than friends" I say. I don't make eye contact with him just incase he doesn't like me the same way.

"I like you that way too" he says. I look up into his eyes.

"Is that what you told Audrey?" I ask.

"Something along those lines" he says. He kisses the tip of my nose and smiles.

"What have you done to me?" I laugh nervously. He laughs gently.

"Oh I've done a lot of things to you" he says before pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back passionately before pulling back.

"We should leave" I say.

"Not yet" he says. "I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Kayne gave your parents your number. They held him at gunpoint. He wouldn't tell them until he heard the click of the gun, they nearly killed him until he blurted it out. He didn't want to die. That's why he moved into town" Brandon says. I look at him in surprise.

"This has gone too far" I say. "I need to face them and put them straight"

"You can't, not yet. Let's just have a peaceful life together first." He says.

"Together?" I ask.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Tamsin?" He asks. I look at him before. Boyfriend? Before I die, I want to experience this.

"Yes, of course I will" I say. He kisses me quickly before unlocking the door and walking down the hallway with me, hand in hand.

The rest of the day is boring but when it's after school. I wait by Brandons bike for him. Whilst I'm waiting, Jules, Riley, Rebecca and Cora walk up to me.

"Hey Tamsin," Jules says. "I'm sorry about earlier. I guess being friends is better than nothing, right?"

"Right" I smile. Brandon puts his arm around my waist protectively.

"What are you, her boyfriend?" Jules asks Brandon, looking at his arm around my waist.

"I am now" Brandon says.

"You only just met her" Jules asks.

"We met in Cardiff. In my old school" I tell Jules.

"Your a slut" Jules says to me. Brandon releases his arm around my waist, feeling my anger. "Your a whore. You probably only want to be fucked by him" I walk forward and punch Jules in the nose. His nose starts bleeding.

"Bitch, you don't deserve to live" Jules tells me. I grab him by the throat and lift him up. He says it again and I knee him in the balls. I step back and let him stand up.

"Your such an idiot" Jules says.

"Stand up and fight like a man" I tell him. He stands up and punches me in the eye. I'm half blind for a moment, this has happened to me many times. I'm used to it and I can still fight, Jules goes to punch me again but I block him.

I punch him in the face and he punches me in the gut. I wince, Jules is strong. I punch him in the face again and again and again.

He attempts to do the same but I keep blocking him. I punch him in the gut and he stumbles back. There's blood flowing from his nose. I know I'm going to have bruises on my face and arms tomorrow, a black eye and some cuts on my face. Not bad though. I step back from Jules. I grab his hair and lift up his head.

"Don't call me a bitch, whore, slut or anything like that again" I say quietly. "Got it?" He nods his head and I let go, watching him fall to the floor on his hands and knees. Brandon gets on his bike and I get on behind him with my helmet on. We drive off, leaving the others staring at us.

What's Jules going to do now? Did any teachers see it? What's gonna happen now Tamsin and Brandon are official?

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