43: "To the year ahead."

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Chapter 43 - "To the year ahead."

**Dedicated to RP_Twihard because they've commented on so many chapters of this story and thought that the last chapter was one of the best I've written, which means a lot.**

Two days after Hayley was discharged from hospital, we had a visit from the police. Student Services had knocked on our door, causing Jack to immediately turn down his music due to the assumption that they were investigating a noise-complaint.  

"Can we have a chat with you in the kitchen?" the two members of staff asked.  

As we were congregating in the kitchen, that's when we noticed the two male police officers, accompanied by a Labrador Retriever. There was no mistaking the reason they were here.  

"We're following up on a drugs tip-off," one officer announced.  

"A tip-off?" Jack scoffed. "A girl over-dosed and you're investigating a tip-off? I think you're a little late." 

Silence consumed the room, but the policemen barely flinched at Jack's outburst. Student Services glared menacingly at his clear lack of respect but the biggest shock came from the next sentence uttered.  

"We're here with a warrant to search your rooms with reason to believe you all possess Class A drugs." 

"I suggest you all co-operate," the Student Services woman said, her eyes on Jack. "A girl almost died in here because of your recreational activities." 

"Nobody else in this flat takes drugs," Jack insisted. "It was only ever Hayley and Gemma." 

"Well, we've reason to believe otherwise," the policeman said. "If you all remain in here and we'll return once we've done." 

The policeman left with the dog, leaving us in the kitchen with the company of Student Services.  

"I mean, are they having a fucking laugh?" Jack spluttered, his eyes wide as he tried to gauge everyone else's opinion on the matter.  

"I don't understand," Shaun frowned. "Why has this tip-off come after Hayley's overdose?" 

"Well none of us have drugs so it should be fine," I said.  

"Yeah, if anything it'll just prove that Hayley and Gemma were the only ones involved," Shaun added, in an attempt to calm Jack's anger.  

"She probably made the tip-off herself," Jack said bitterly. "She's not even here and she's still managing to be a bitch." 

"Jack, come on, mate," Phil said with a frown. "She could have died." 

"Well it's her own fault!" Jack exclaimed angrily. "She chose to take the drugs. She was probably showing off by mixing Class A, Class B and Class whatever fucking else that night. It's about time people realised that drugs aren't always fun and cool. I really hope she's humiliated." 

Student Services said nothing, but looked on with disapproving frowns at Jack's callousness. On the night of the fourteenth, Jack had persuaded Shaun and Phil to go to a house party and they'd all ended up crashing there. Even though Jack clearly believed that Hayley deserved to experience the true danger of drugs, I think he felt a bit guilty that his desire to go to the house party was the reason why nobody else was in the flat that evening to help her. What exactly had happened was still a mystery; the toxicology report had found a combination of drugs in Hayley's system, but the flat had been deserted when Nathan and I had returned. Gemma was nowhere to be seen and she'd since dropped out due to trauma. We didn't know if she actually was traumatised, or if she realised that Hayley had been expelled and knew she was unlikely to make more friends; after all, she really had burnt all her bridges.  

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