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Nia's car horn honks in front of Patrick's house.

"HURRY UP!" she yells, a laugh present in her projected voice. Patrick rolls his eyes at the girl, a laugh escaping from him as he stuffs his keys in his jacket pocket on his way out the door. Patrick forces his legs to take larger steps to hurry to Nia's vehicle.

"God, you're slow," Nia laughs as Patrick claims the passenger seat.
"You're the one to talk," the boy scoffs as he straps on his seat belt. Nia propels her car forward, venturing towards her list of errands to complete. She had called Patrick, requesting that he joins her. She also promised him food, which was the winning ticket for a young adult with a crazy metabolism.

"Lunch is on me. Remember that," the girl teases.

The couple always paired up when either one had a long list of errands. It made everything bearable and more fun. It had always been like this even before they came to terms with their feelings for each other.

"What's on the list?" Patrick asks, his voice slightly elevated over the wind that blows through the open windows. He drums his fingers on the dashboard along to a Green Day song that plays on the radio. He even catches himself humming along to parts of the verse.

"I'm getting interviewed at the observatory," she says. "So, I gotta pick out a new outfit because I just realized all my interview clothes are either so 80s or they don't fit at all."
"So, the mall is in our route," Patrick notes. "What else?"
"Space Day is happening at the library," the girl continues. "Gotta get crafts for the kids."
"Any ideas?"
"Not a single one," Nia huffs. She glances at Patrick with a slight frown tugging at the corner of her mouth.
"Craft store is a must! I'll help," Patrick volunteers. "Anything else?"
"Wendy's?" Nia asks, giving Patrick another glance— this one being a suggestion based on his own preferences rather than her duties.
"I could kill for a frosty," the boy exaggerates.

Nia smiles and gives a short nod, taking note to stop at a nearby Wendy's to fulfill her promise. Patrick watches Nia, his heart performing somersaults within his ribs. Her brown, wavy locks are twisted up into a careless bun. A few strands remain loose, swaying in the wind and catching sunlight. Patrick smiles at the beautiful image beside him.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in years," Nia chuckles. It's enough to snap Patrick out of his daze.
"Yeah, you've been working a lot of hours," Patrick protests. "You owe me a date."
"I owe you nothing but a meal from Wendy's, Ghost Boy," she laughs. "But a date would be nice."
"When's the last time you went to the lake?" the boy asks. "We can go there."
"Sounds like a plan," Nia smiles.

As the afternoon develops, more and more tasks are completed, being eliminated from Nia's list of things to do. Patrick had already put in his favorite David Bowie CD in the CD player of Nia's car. Ever since they became such great friends, they always kept a copy of at least two of each other's favorite albums.

"I still can't believe you think that Thriller is Michael Jackson's best album," Nia scoffs. "You're such a fake fan."
"I'm a fake fan?" Patrick stresses, feigning offense.
"Yes, you are," Nia argues. "It's obviously Dangerous! However, I will accept Bad. Thriller is so overrated!"
"Everyone loves at least one overrated album. Like you with every hit song on the radio," the blonde argues with a smile.
"They are hit songs for a reason, Buster!"

Patrick opens his mouth to continue the banter, but is interrupted by Nia's phone ringing. He takes the phone out of what would've been an ashtray in her car and reads the caller ID.

"It's the library," Patrick informs. "Did you have to go to work today?"
"No, I'm not scheduled for weekends," Nia replies. She furrows her brow and glances at the ringing phone. "Put it on speaker for me."

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