Extreme Character Chart

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-Characters full name
-reason or meaning of the name
-reason for nickname
-social class

-age/how old they appear
- eye color, glasses or contacts
-hair color, style
-weight, height
-type of body/ build
-skin tone, skin type
-shape of face
-distiguising marks
-freckles moles scars
-predominent features
-looks like
- is he/she healthy?
-if not, why?

-favorite color
-least favorite color
-least favorite music
-mode of transportation
-daredevil or cautious
-same when alone?
-Drinks? What is their favorite?
-when and how much?
-how do they spend a rainy day?

-type of childhood
- first memory
-most important childhood event that still affects them
- why

-relationship with her
-relationship with him
-how many, birth order
-relationships with each
-children of siblings
-extended family
-close? Why/why not?

-most at ease when
-how they feel about themself
-past failure they would be embarrassed about to have people know about
-if they had one wish what would it be and why?

-greatest strength
-greatest weakness
-soft spot
- is the soft spot obvious to others
-if not how do they hide it?
-biggest vulnerability

-optimist or pessimist, why
-introvert or extrovert, why
-drives and motivations
-extremely skilled at
-extremely unskilled at
-good characteristics
-biggest regrets
-minor regrets
-biggest accomplishments
-minor accomplishments
-darkest secret
-does anyone else know
-if yes, did they tell them?
-if no, how did they find out?

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