Cost and benifit

18 2 1

You know, I realized I've finished reading over 5 books and edited none for the past 3 weeks.

So I woke up at 6 today.

I had two options.

1.) Go Back to bed, and resume dreaming about assasins targeting me. (yeah I actually dream about those stuff, many may find it cool but I find it downright creepy, I mean c'mon! What am I being targeted for? Stealing glaces at my crush?)


2.) Get my lazy ass OFF the bed and make breakfast. (without burning the house down ofc, unlike some people *ahem*(Looks at bestie) I actually know how to cook, no offence to people out there that can't cook.)

Wellllll it was a tough choice.

Then I stated the logics.

If I go for #1 I will...

1.) go back to my fave place (aka dreamland)

2.) get yelled at for sleeping late. (who doesn't? On a no-school MONDAY hello?)

3.) make sure my eyes are well rested for COD ass-kicking. (hehe, yes I'm a gamer *takes controller and shots everyone in the game* take that u idiots!)

If I chose #2 I will....

1.) miss my sleep (Nooooo! I love my bed.)

2.) be miserible cause I'm walking like a zombie with eyes that don't wanna open.

3.) cheer my family upthat someone made them food. ( I'm not the only one that hates monday )

4.) probaly remain Ms. Grumpy till the sun sets. (hey I like sleep kay?)

Any logical person would say #1 is a sooo much better option.

So being the NONE logical person I am, I chose #2.

But I added a pro to the list....

4.) Make little signs that said I made breakfast, and then go back to bed to sleep till noon.


I'm smart. I get to sleep, HOPEFULLY without an annoying person alarm clock.

I'm running to bed now Cya!

A Drop of SilenceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt