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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating but I'm currently in a natural distaster area so no power, water, and of course wifi. I'm using data to hopefully get back in check but it's verrryyy slow. Typhoon Yutu is still heading to philiphines, and next, china. Stay strong pacific.

-One's regrets are the brightest sides of one's mistake.-

Beauty in which you store
does not shine from the gold medals you wore.
More from the scars you hid.
and how you stayed strong enough
to help others in need.
Regrets are the postisive sides of mistakes
but don't let that drag down your mind.
learn from the wrong and do whatever it takes.
to not recreate your cycled regret.

Let it flow
Let it go
Dont hold on to it
for it will drag you slow.
Breath in fresh air.
Regrets are meant to dissappear
holding on to it will only leave you in dispair.

Learn to let go of your history regrets for the future will always bring new challenges yet to get.

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