Silent Blades

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It could be a goodbye that was never said
A 'Love you....' that didn't survive it's next breath.

It could be the dreams you once had, the demons once trapped in your head

It could be the pain of a loved one's hate
Or the betrayal of one's best mate

It could be the emptiness in one's world
Or the cruelness of one's soul

It could be the words casually said,
the hidden scars in which pain they fed

It could be the markings of love
burning big scars of great depth

It could be the darkness of a star's shadow,
to dark to be seen

It could be the past's burrow,
ready to reclaim one's regretful deeds

It could one's self,
ready for its life to leave.

Silent blades in which we don't see,
Don't judge people, because you haven't been through what they have seen.

Don't think about yourself, think around you.
Because no matter how tough, there will always be someone worst than you.

Thank you for your reads~For any of you who are having deppressing problems like my own❤️ Stay true to yourself and you'll find a way out.

Please click the star if you enjoyed~Thank you!

A Drop of SilenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang