Chapter 17

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“Second Chance Romance”

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 17

Oliver dragged himself off of the elevator feeling as if the whole world had settled on his shoulders. Had it really only been several hours ago that he had been talking with Jade and they were both smiling at each other, deliriously happy? And was it really just this morning that he had hoped to have dinner tonight with his two favorite girls?

After the special dinner and after Libby was safely tucked in the bed, Oliver had planned to ask Jade to be his wife. He felt the outline of the little black box pressing against his leg in his jeans pocket and raked his hand roughly through his short cropped hair. He had already decided that he wanted forever with this woman and her little girl as well and he prayed with all his heart that she had wanted forever with him too.

But, in a matter of minutes everything had changed. He never got the chance to ask Jade his question. Disaster struck at the most inopportune times and he had a bad feeling that nothing would ever be like it was before. Something in his gut twisted and at that moment a particular foreboding feeling welled up inside of him. Refusing to accept that feeling, Oliver quickly squashed it back down.

No! He told himself determinedly. Everything would be just like it was before. It had to be. Jade would remember. She would remember everything- Libby, him, this new relationship they had started…

Together, they would all learn to smile and find their laughter again. This was just a big block in the road that they all had to overcome and somehow they would. He would make damned sure of it because he couldn’t accept anything less.

Oliver turned the corner and spotted the cafeteria where he assumed Austin and Libby had gone to get her hot chocolate. Glancing at his watch, he knew he had to hurry. Taylor was by himself and needed his help. When they left Hillsborough he had only spared a cursory glance at the damage that the twister had left behind. From what little he had seen, he knew it was bad but at that time he had been more worried about getting to Jade than anything else.

Now that he had seen Jade and knew that she was asleep, he felt better about heading back home to do his job. He would ask his secretary, Alice, to watch over Libby and with what hours he had left in the night he could survey the extent of the damage and contact the governor about getting State assistance started. Later in the morning, after everyone had rested he could bring Libby back up to the hospital to see Jade.

In his mind it all seemed like the perfect plan.

Hillsborough was his home town and that the residents that lived there were his people. He had been both born and raised there and was on a first name basis with all of the inhabitants. He was also the Sheriff and right now, this town, his town, needed him too.

When Oliver walked into the cafeteria he immediately spotted Austin leaning back in a booth alongside of the wall. Austin had his casted leg propped up in a chair and it looked as if Libby had fallen asleep on his shoulder. She looked so beautifully innocent he thought to himself, sleeping there under the dull glow of the fluorescent lighting. Her dark curls tumbled haphazardly over her face hid the bruised shadows that had formed under her eyes. He felt a deep seeded tug in his chest when he looked at her. She had been so scared and so heart broken when her mama didn’t recognize her. All of this was way too much of a burden for a little girl her age to have to endure.

Using up ground eating strides, Oliver crossed the distance of the cafeteria and headed in their direction. The sooner that he collected Libby, the sooner he could get back to town and get her settled into the comfort of a nice warm bed. That’s the least he could do for her now.

Second Chance Romance (Southern Nights) CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant