Real life(122)

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Ariana's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. A strong gust of cold air races against my back as I realize that Justin is no longer cuddled up against me. I ignore it and decide to see what all of the buzzing was about. I decide to open iMessage to see what everyone was spamming me about. I scroll through until I come across Selena's contact. I click on it and read what she wrote:

I'm so so sorry. I can't believe he would do that..... text me if you need anything ily❤️

I text her back confused

Ok....... Hold on.. girl what did he do I'm confused? He's probably at his house or somethin

Oh you haven't seen? Check tmz's recent... like I said before it so sorry and I can't believe he would do that! Text me if you need anything

Ok. Thx boo💕

After I send the message I decided to see what she was talking about. I scroll through my notifications until I find the post. I click on the post and regret it as soon as I do. Is that Justin? There's no way. Why would he do that? I scroll through the comments until one catches my attention

@haileybaldwin- had a great time last night💕 @justinbieber

@justinbieber liked this comment

Tears rush into my eyes as I read the comment. How could he do this? I thought what we had was real. I weakly reach for my phone to text Selena. I really need her right now.

Pls come over

On my way with vegan ice cream

Ariana: you know me so well❤️ and thx sm

My blanket starts getting soaked from the tears so I snatch my pillows for comfort. After about 10 minutes I finally work up enough strength to call Justin. My hands shake as I hear the phone ring. My heart stops as the ringing stops. I could hear the sound of breathing and put the phone up to my ear.

Justin: baby. I'm so so sorry and I promise it won't happen again.

Ariana: why would you do that?! I trusted you! Couldn't you at least have told me you were leaving?!

Justin: I'm sorry. Ok? I was drunk! I didn't mean it!

Ariana: save it justin! You cheated on me with some random girl you found when you were out with "the boys"

Justin: I apologized! What else do you want from me?!

Ariana: Justin......

Justin: yeah

Ariana: I think we should take a break..

Justin: from us?!

Ariana: yeah.... I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do right now. We can still be friends

Justin: o-ok

My heart shattered as I heard the sound of his voice cracking and immediately regretted my decision.

Ariana: I- I gotta go

Justin: ok.... bye i guess

As soon as he finishes I turn off my phone and wait for Selena. Once she comes we hop onto my couch and start watching Stranger Things as we indulge in vegan ice cream.  I tried to take my mind off of him but it was all I could think of. Why do I regret this so much? He cheated on me. I should move on. After awhile Selena comes up with a plan.
"Hey Ariana" she says. I reposition myself and start talking to her. "Yeah?" "I gotta get going to pick Blakely up from my moms but if I were you, I would stop for a few drinks. I love you girly! Hope you feel better" she says collecting her items to get ready to leave. I smile. "Okey. Before you go... what should I wear?" without another word being said she races towards my closet and pick some outfits and scatter them on my bed. I stand up and give her a hug before she leaves my house.  I Decide to throw my hair into a bun, put on a tight flower shirt and a pair of ripped jeans with nude pumps. After I finish my make up I race to a taxi and listen music. The night is still young blasts back at me and I smile. She drive and drive until I finally arrive at the bar. It was really nice and everyone there looked really nice. I turn around, hand then a 10 and thank them. I push through the doors and take a seat right at the head of the table in between two empty seats. After a few minutes the bar tender finally came my way and asked me what I would like to drink. I thought for a minute and finally came up with an answer. "I'll have an island margarita" I said as he smiled and ran back to make my drink. Once he comes back I feel a soft breath coming up my neck as I see a handsome man approach the bar tender. "Hey, I'll have a shot and the lady's drink is on me" he says smiling as he looks over at me. I duck down to hide the face that I am blushing. I mean, I can't help it! He's sooo cute but there's one problem.... he's not justin. God I miss my chubs. My thoughts get interrupted by the dashing man in front  of  me. "Hey, I'm Dylan and wow, you're pretty" he says smiling getting more charming by the second. "H-hi I'm Ariana, Ariana Grande and wow you're smile is gorgeous" I say back giving myself a metal face palm. He laughs and scoots onto the seat next to me. "What is a beautiful girl like you doing at a place like this on a Saturday night? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He asks. My heart sinks as the word boyfriend is thrown. "Oh um, we just broke up" I said softly trying not to break down at a bar. The young mans smile fades and he puts one of his hands on my leg. "I'm so sorry. He must be real stupid to let someone like you go" he said making my blush wildly. Oh my god how is this man so perfect?!  "It's ok. I mean, I think we might still be friends or something" I said somewhat hoping it was true. Once again, the mans face drops and he slides his hand off of my leg. I shoot a half smile and guide his hand back to where he once had it. He smiles and lets out a giggle. "How about we get out of this place? I know a place you will like much better. I smile and grab his hand so it slides into mine. "Okay" I say as he squeezes my hand and guides me to his car. Eventually we end up in-front of his beautiful Lamborghini. I smile as he opens the car door for me to get in. I step in and pull out my phone and turn on do not disturb. Once we settle in the car Dylan decides to start conversation. "So, what's it like being a singer? I've always wondered even though my singing is shit" he said smiling. I could help but laugh at his little joke. "To be honest, I don't think I would do it if it weren't for the fans. They are my world and I could never take them for granted. I mean, it takes lots and lots of time out of your day and going in public is impossible without a swarm of paps and fans, which I love, and the worst thing is if you hear your song in public. It's like holy shit kill me that's me" I say laughing looking deeper and deeper into his eyes. He giggles and wraps his hand into mine. For a few seconds we silently look into each others eyes and act as if we knew each other for years. Dylan breaks the stares by starting up the car and taking us to his secret spot. I really hope it's not his house... that would be awkward! I look down at our hands and immediately think of all of the times we've done this together and how many times I've sat in the front seat and give him tons of goodnight kisses. I really miss those days. No, Ariana stop thinking of him! You have an amazing guy next to you so stop worrying! Once he pulls up to the spot he tells me to cover my eyes so it is a surprise. I agree as he guides me to his spot. "On the count of three you can open you eyes ok?" He asks gripping both of my hands. I squeeze back and say "ok". "1.......2.......3..... OPEN!" He shouts with a huge smile. A display of millions of stars dance in the dark sky. "This is beautiful! Thank you so much for taking me here!" I shout jumping onto him, wrapping my arms around him. "Glad you like it" he says putting me down. After a few seconds he gripped my hand and pulled me to his car. We sat on the roof and sipped champagne on the hood of his car. There's only one thing that could make this more perfect and that's..... nonono Ariana get over him! He's no good! After about 2 hours Dylan sits up and whips out a Polaroid camera and turns to me. "Want to take a few pictures?" He asks adjusting the film. I smile and nod and move in closer to him to take a picture. First we take a few pictures together and then he starts taking pictures of me. I giggle and jump off the hood of his car to move around. He slides his camera back into the car and puts on music so we can dance. (I've had) The time of my life comes on and he comes over to me to dance. He slides his hands into mine and he guides me through the dance. He spins me and dips me and smiles. This is so perfect. But it's so dam hard to get Justin off my mind. I ignore the thought and start dancing like a crazy person. Dylan laughs and Unwraps his hands from mine and gets on the floor. "Watch this" he exclaims as he recreates the closing scene from Dirty Dancing. Instantly I fall to the ground laughing. Once the song finishes I let my hair down and wait for him to come back over. We take a moment to laugh it off then get back together for the next song. Lost Stars comes on as he comes over to me to slow dance. Once again our hands connect and I put my head to his chest. This feels so nice but so so wrong. I miss him so dam much but that's not what I should be thinking about right now. I lift my head until we meet eyes. He smiles and so do I. The song ends and then Hungry Eyes starts playing and his smile grows even wider. "I love this song" he says making me smile. "Me too!" I exclaim. He laughs and places a hand on my neck. I place my hand onto his and we look each other deep in the eyes. His eyes shined as he comes in closer. Without a second thought I also lean in. At this point we're about 2 inches away from each other. Next thing you know his soft lips collide with mine and I kiss back softly. After about a minute we break apart and press our foreheads together. "You're beautiful" he says making me blush. I smile and let out a tiny laugh. Wow, this man is incredible.... Once we let go of each other Dylan checks his watch and brings me to his car. "It's getting late and we should get going" he says sweetly as he opens the car door for me. I playfully frown making him laugh as I get in. Once we get to my house I give him a peck on the cheek and hop out. "I had a really great time tonight. Thank you so much" I say smiling. "No problem. Want to exchange numbers or something?" He asks rubbing the back of his head. "Sure! Give me your phone I'll put it in" I say and he hands me it. Once I finish typing it I wave bye to him and he drives off. He's amazing but I still miss Justin..... why is it so hard to get over him?! Even though I was dam sure it wasn't good for me I secretly hoped Justin would be mine once again. I regret letting go but I don't want to worry about being cheated on. I stop thinking and go right to bed. Today was crazy... but in a good way. Before I sleep I rip out my phone and text Selena the recap.

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