Chapter 1

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[Reader's POV]

If someone had told me what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life, I wouldn't believe them. Being an undercover cop isn't something I dreamed of being when I was a kid, I dreamed I was going to be a doctor or maybe even a teacher.

But I guess we all don't get what we want.

Although this isn't something I dreamed of doing, I love it. The secrets that come with it, the violence that gets involved is all something that gives me a rush of adrenaline.

My partner, Kim Taehyung, on the other hand doesn't get the type of rush I get when going out on duty. He stays in the car with scared eyes as he watches me beat the shit out of someone. He says its entertaining so I never thought to stop him.

Then we have Kim Namjoon, the mastermind behind all of our missions. He's the one who gives us the suspect, location and basic information about them. So he's basically the brains in this situation.

Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin are the guards that keep an eye on the place when Taehyung and I are out and Namjoon is too busy finding our next suspect. Usually those three boys are harmless except Yoongi when you piss him off.

Lastly we have Jeon Jungkook, the one who sits in his small cubicle in the office while we're all out doing our own thing. Poor guy, he's usually the only one in the office.

Too bad, if only Taehyung-

"Y/n, Namjoon would like to see you." Yoongi peeks his head in through the door of my office. I look up from my stack of work and nod my head. I stand as I write down a few last minute things before speed walking to Namjoon's office.

I knock on the door before hearing a quiet 'come in'. "Yoongi said you needed me?" I ask sitting down in front of him. Namjoon closes the manila folder he was reading as he clasps his hands together. 

"Yes I did, I have another person for you." He speaks with a bit a shakiness. "I am sending you out to find this man and bringing him back to me," Namjoon slides a photo of a man over to me. "He's dangerous, making this mission special."

I grab the photo of the man and raise my brow in confusion. "You're kidding right? You want me to hunt down and capture this ray of sunshine?" I ask and Namjoon nods.

"He isn't a ray of sunshine when you find out what he does for a living." Namjoon unclasps his hands and reaches into his drawer, pulling out a manila folder. "Here, take this and read it back in your office then come back to me tomorrow." Namjoon slides the manila folder over to me.

After taking the manila folder out of Namjoon's hands and into mine, I walk back to my office to read it. I exhale a large breath as a throw myself onto my seat and open up the folder. As I'm reading over it my eyes widen.

Name: Jung Hoseok
DOB: Feb 18th, 1994
Sex: Male
Profession: Full time assassin

Jung Hoseok, the ever so famous assassin that murders for the hell of it. Jung Hoseok has caused more heartbreak than the average fuck boy in every high school fanfiction. Mr. Jung works alone, making him easy yet difficult to find. He moves from place to place depending on how fast he finds his next victim. 

I toss the manila folder on my desk, groaning as I rub my eyes. "Namjoon has to be messing with me, there is no way that man is an assassin." I mumble to myself as I take a quick glance at the photo he had given me.

His eyes lit up and his smile was contagious, I had to hold back my own smile when I saw it. His dimples aren't helping either...

I look up at the sound of a knock and smile once I see Taehyung peek his head in. "Did Namjoon give you the folder?" He asks sitting down. I slide the folder over to Taehyung as he picks it up and begins to read it. Taehyung raises his brow. "Are you sure this is our guy?"

"That's what I said!" I exclaim. Taehyung chuckles and tosses the folder back onto my desk. "I don't know Taehyung, I really hope it isn't and that Namjoon is just playing a joke on us." I say.

"Maybe Jin taught him a thing or two about jokes. That or he's getting revenge on us from last years New Years Eve party." Taehyung says making both of us shiver at the memory.

"We'll see tomorrow I guess. Its getting late Taehyung you should start heading home," I say as I pack up the things I'm going to need to work on while at home. Just because the day is over for others, doesn't mean it is for me. "Take Jungkook with you to, he looked a little lonely today." I say making Taehyung's cheeks turn pink. "Lock the door on your way out, bye!"

I toss Taehyung the keys to my office as I walk out of the building and to my car. I had slipped the manila folder into my bag since I decided to do some research on this 'Jung Hoseok' guy when I get home.

As I hop into my car and turn the heat on as it had become colder in Seoul, I take a moment to think about what Namjoon had said earlier. He had said this mission was special but it couldn't be just because Jung Hoseok was 'dangerous' It had to be connected to something else.

I shake my head at the thought of it being more before shoving my key into the ignition and driving back home where more research is going to be done.



Ahh yes the begining of it all lmao I'm so exicted for this book

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