{Chapter 26: The Truth}

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Song of the chapter is...

You're mine- maybe next summer


Rosslyn's POV

When I got home, I went to find Remington. I found him in his room, at his desk, "Hey baby, how was today?" He asked when I sat on his lap.

"Good, Remington I have something to tell you." I said trying to get serious.

Remington looked at me with worry, "Everything okay?" Remington asked.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. "Rosslyn... you can't be." Remington.

I smiled and Remington pulled me into a kiss, "Baby that is wonderful" He said putting his forehead against mine.

"I didn't know when you tell you, so I thought that today would be a good day." I said.

"I'm glad you did, but babe I'll be on tour next month." Remington said looking down at our hands.

"It's okay, I can stay home and have some people help me. I could also fly down and stay with my brother."

"But does your brother know about this?"

"I was going to invite him up because we also have to tell your brothers."

"Right, well I will call my brothers and you can go call yours."

I got up and then Remington pulled me into his lap again. "I have to go baby" I said.

"No I want you to stay!" Remington whinned.

I pushed on his legs to get free from his grip. I finally got free and I walked downstairs. I pulled out my phone and called Kellin to tell him the news. I hope that he won't be mad.

"Hello?" Kellin questioned when he answered.

"Hey Kellin, I have something to tell you." I told him.

"What's up?" He asked.

"We one you're invited to dinner next week, and then you're going to be an uncle." I answered, with excitement in my voice.

"You're joking right?" Kellin asked with confusion.

"Nope, I found out last week and I just told Remington now." I answered.

"Oh my god, Ross that is amazing! I can't wait to fly out to see you. Next week right?"

"Yep, I'll see you then."

I hung up and then went upstairs to see Remington. He was on his bed, on his phone. "You call him?" He asked when I came into the room.

I sat down by him on the bed. "Yeah, he was actually happy. I wasn't really expecting that." I answered.

Remington sat up and put his phone down. "That is awesome, Sebastian said that he'll come down next week same with Emerson. We can tell them when they come for supper." Remington said.

Remington put his arm around me and pulled me close. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

9 months of anticipation


Oh my gosh!


-sarah 👌

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