Chapter One

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Three years ago—
New day, new luck.
Klaus and Stefan finally found the werewolf pack Klaus was looking for in Tennessee.
Stefan was carrying one of the pack members, Ray, and threw him to the ground in front of the pack.

"Ray!", a girl with short dark brown hair said as she ran towards him.
"Oh my God! What's going on?" she panicked because he had no pulse.
"Who are you?" The girl asked in a threatening tone while looking at Stefan.

Klaus moved forward in that moment.
"The important question is; Who am I. Please forgive the introduction. My name is Klaus." he said.
"You're the hybrid." the girl noticed as she slowly stood up.
"You've heard of me, fantastic." Klaus said while smiling proudly.


"It's fascinating actually. A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon. A vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true Hybrid." he pushed himself up.

Suddenly Ray started to breathe again.
"Excellent timing Ray." Klaus told him.
He breathed very heavily and turned around like he was about to die again.
"Very dramatic." Klaus said not impressed at all.
"What's happening to me?" Ray said confused, still laying on the ground.
"Stefan." Klaus said, giving him a sign.
"Are any of you human here? Your friend here, needs human blood to complete his transition to a vampire. If he doesn't get it, he'll die." Stefan told the pack.
After the whole transition it was night. It didn't work. This werewolf was again a failure. Klaus went back to the pack to pick a new one. He wouldn't stop until he finally had it.

As Klaus wanted to try it on the short haired brunette a girl appeared out of nowhere.
"Emma! Let her go!" she yelled.
"Mary?" Klaus asked quietly but confused. He thought she died in 1587 because of execution.
Stefan, of course, heard him and looked at her, wondering who she might be and how she'd know Klaus.
Apparently Klaus didn't say it quiet enough because 'Mary' heard it.
"Mary?! I never knew vampires could have amnesia but my name is certainly not Mary." she said a bit offended.
"Cora, run!" Emma told her.
"Oh, no, no. The party just started and I think we have our next volunteer, isn't that right, Cora?" he said with a devilish smile.
"No! Please don't take her, please! She's too young! Take me, not her." Emma offered herself, jumping in front of her.
Klaus rolled his eyes.
"Stefan. Take care of her." he told him as he threw her in his direction and came closer towards Cora.
"NO!" Emma got up again and wanted to run to Cora but Stefan took out her heart before she could get any closer.
The whole pack was in shock. Cora stood there heartbroken with teary eyes.

Her sadness quickly turned into anger. Emma didn't deserve this. She wouldn't have died for nothing.

Cora's eyes started glowing and her teeth became sharper. She growled at Stefan.

Klaus watched her amused. As she wanted to attack Stefan, he stopped her. She cut his throat with her claws, or at least tried to, but he managed to back away. His wounds healed immediately and Cora looked at him confused but still angry. She tried it again but this time Klaus catched her hand before she could do anything.

"Did you really think you could beat me? The hybrid?" he laughed.
"It was worth a try!" she answered.
"Well, this is also worth a try." he said while feeding her his blood. She tried to push him away but he was too strong.
"You are so much like her." Klaus admired her for a moment.
She used it to kick him and run away.
"You can't run forever, Cora!" he shouted after her.
"Stefan, you stay here and watch our little pack, if anyone tries anything, kill them. I'm going to catch our little runaway." He commanded Stefan and ran after Cora, using his vampire speed.


Cora was hiding behind a tree. She was tired after running for hours. She looked around to see if he was still after her but no one was there. She was relieved and could finally breathe.
She turned around but bumped into something, or rather someone.
It was Klaus.

"Hello, love. Tired of running?" he asked while coming closer.
She stepped back.
"You know that there is no way out anymore." he came closer again.
She wanted to step back further but behind her was the tree she was hiding at a minute ago. She panicked and wanted to run again but he put his hands on the tree, next to her head, so there was no way out.
"You're quite the fighter, aren't you?" he said, coming closer again. She could feel his breath which gave her shivers down the spine.
"Mhmmm, silence. Am I making you nervous? Or scared?" he asked her, trying to read her emotions through her eyes but all he could see were no emotions at all.
"No. I'm not scared of you." she said monotonous.
"That's disappointing. Do you know who I am?" he asked her to make sure she knew that he was the big bad hybrid.
"Yes, you're the hybrid." she said in the same tone as before.
"And you do know I will kill you now?" he asked again.
"No, you will turn me into... a hybrid." she said pausing for a while.
"Let's hope for both you and me it will work this time. Any last words?" he said.
"I hope you rott in hell." she said while looking him in the eyes with hatred.
"You're not the first person to say that." he said and gave her a wink and then snapped her neck.


Cora slowly woke up. Her neck hurt a little but apart from that she was totally fine.

"Look, our littler fighter is awake." Klaus told Stefan with a smirk.

Stefan came to them with the same human that Ray fed on. Klaus went to the human and bit him in the neck.

"Want to join?" Klaus asked pausing and his mouth full of blood.

Cora tried to resist but as she saw the blood slowly dripping to the ground from her neck she just couldn't. She sped up to him and bit him on the other side of the neck. The blood she tasted was metallic but sweet. She's never been this hungry in her life.
She wanted to stop but her hunger was bigger than her will.


Heyyaaa guys
Sooooo I stan this ship sm oml
Anywayyyy I hope you like the first chapter becauuuseee I'm gonna continue this
Oh and also the next 2 chapter will probably continue with being flashbacks soooo stay tuned.

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