Chapter 1

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Laughter filled the room as a crumpled ball of paper flew in an arc and landed on the head of a boy sitting quietly reading. He barely looked up, too engrossed in his book, sea blue eyes skimming the pages. A blonde-haired boy hooted and threw his hands in the air, bringing a round of cheers on from the on looking crowd. They clapped and patted him on the back, cheering and catcalling at the other boy, who seemed entirely oblivious to the entire situation. A silvery laugh soared through the air and suddenly the room fell silent. Standing in the doorway to the classroom, a stunning curvy girl with raven black hair leant against the frame, arms crossed. A mischievous grin whipped across her face, as her dark brown eyes scanned the room, starting with the blonde boy, and eventually resting on the other, still hunched over his book. Eyes flashing, she advanced toward the centre of the group, the crowd parting before her. Her black six-inch heels clicked on the floor, a black mini skirt dancing round her thighs. The crowd of onlookers watched silently, captivated by her beauty and the danger she radiated.

Finally, she reached the centre of the group where the blonde boy stood smirking. Even with her heels she was a few inches shorter than him, her eyes level with his nose. The boy spoke first, the words spilling out of his mouth like honey over rocks, his British accent moulding every word to perfection "Izzy! Looking as beautiful as ever I see."

The girl, Izzy, gently stroked the boys cheek with her hand, "Aww. Sebastian."  Mockingly she patted his cheek. "In your dreams, handsome."

Izzy spun, her wavy black hair flying behind her, and made her way over to the other boy, still hunched over his book. Delicately she sat herself on the edge of his table, and leant back on her hands, craning her head back. The boy gave no indication that he even knew she was there. Swiftly he flipped the page, his cold blue eyes almost drinking in every word off the page. Rolling her head round, Izzy stared at the boy with a look of obvious contempt and cleared her throat. The boy sighed and, without even looking at the girl perched in front of him, again turned the page in an obvious 'what do you want' kind of way.

"Isabelle," he said, sounding bored.

"Alec," she replied, drawing out the name.

"What do you want?" Alec said, his tone even and non-conversational. With another deep sigh he flipped the page, though his eyes no longer scanned the page, but rested, waiting for her reply.

"I want you to get your head out of this boring old book and go and have some fun," she turned her head back to the crowd of people surrounding Sebastian who was grinning crookedly, another wadded up piece of paper in his hand, "away from these jerks."

Finally, Alec tore his eyes away from his book, exasperation etched into his face, "This is not some "boring old book". This is the Art of Quantum Mechanics. And," his hand suddenly lashed out, plucking the ball of paper that had been sailing through the air, aimed at his head, "I don't need your protection." Slamming his book shut, he got up and headed for the door, expertly tossing the crushed ball into the bin as he went.

"Alec!" Izzy called after him as she got up to follow him. She raced down the corridor after him, her six-inch heels sounding like gunshots against the cool hard floor. Catching up to him, she grabbed his arm and whirled him round.

"What." He said curtly, pulling away from her. She craned her head up to him, staring into his blue eyes with her large brown ones.

"Alec by the angle live a little. Get your head out of those damn books and have some fun!" she cried grabbing him by his shoulders and holding him there in a vice like grip.

"You are my little sister, don't tell me what to do." He broke away from her and continued down the corridor. Jogging a little, Izzy caught up with him, walking intently next to him.

"All I'm saying is you are so boring sometimes. Honestly, it's like someone sucked all the fun out of you with a straw. The only time I ever see even a shred of emotion from you is when you are around M-"

Alec spun round, so quickly he was almost a blur. His eyes sparked and crackled like electricity and the muscles in his jaw contracted slightly. "Izzy," he said warningly.

She folded her arms and stared up at him stared at him, one dark eyebrow raised. "What? Alec its fine. It's fine to like Ma-"

"What the hell is wrong with you Izzy?" he hissed through his teeth, "You can't just go around yelling that I'm- that I- I mean, you just- Someone might hear you and think it's true." his words caught in his mouth. Quickly he looked round the corridor, checking that no one was in sight. "Izzy, I know that as my little sister you feel that it is your sacred duty to make my life a living hell. But seriously. Keep it in check. If Mom or Dad were to ever find out, especially because- well, you know- I take it you like having me around the house."

Izzy rolled her eyes, "Oh my god Alec you are so overreacting."

"Overreacting? Overreacting! We are talking about the same people, here right?" Alec drew a sharp breath, rubbing his forehead with his hand, the dark bags under his eyes made his face look hollow.

"Alec, when was the last time you looked in a mirror?" she cast a worried look at her brother, scanning his pale face, his high cheekbones adding to the illusion that he was slowly becoming Dracula, only with less hair-gel. Something she was quick to point out.

"Really Izzy?" he smirked. Only his sister, he thought. "It's my natural good looks."

"Oh my god you are turning into Jace." She clutched at his arm and swooned, "Oh Jace your beauty take me with you my handsome prince. I could never live without you. For I am but a poor maiden in need of a dashing knight to sweep me off my feet." She let out a distressed sigh and fell into her brother's arms in the most dramatic fashion possible.

Alec shrugged and rolled his eyes, "Sorry sis, but maidens aren't really my department. But hit me up with a handsome prince any day."

"Now if you could just do that around other people," Izzy began.

"No thanks, I think I'll leave the swooning maidens to Jace" He seized his bag off the floor and swung it across his body.

Izzy grabbed her bag as well, rolling her eyes, "You know what I mean."

Alec started walking off down the corridor.

"Hey so there's this party!"

"Izzy," he said in a warning tone.

She laughed and headed off in the opposite direction. "You know you love me!"

"You know I do. Raziel help me." laughing he threw open the doors at the end of the corridor and stepped outside, the cool air catching in his spiky black hair. Grinning to himself he headed towards his class, the sun shining through the white clouds.

A/N I'm writing this with one of my friends so I doubt the updates will be regular and the Malec will be slow burn. Enjoy!

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