Chapter 3

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"It was about three o'clock of a black winter morning, and my way lay through a part of town where there was literally nothing to see but lamps..."

Alec's head had slipped and hit the desk. Once again, the droning voice of his English teacher had lulled him to sleep. It wasn't his fault, the classroom felt like the inside of a sauna and the neatly stacked pile of textbooks in front of him made a comfortable cushion, the manufactured woody smell of new books clouding his mind.

English was the only class in which he could sleep. It wasn't that Alec was a bad student, you only had to look at his grade sheet to see that wasn't the case; or even that he wasn't interested, it was simply the fact that he had no social life and could do it later. He would catch up on school at any time as he had nothing else to do. His family were his only friends and they were usually busy having friends, it's not that he didn't want friends, he just didn't want to be friends with the people at his school.

An impatient tapping roused Alec from his sleep and he looked up to see the sharp, angled face of his English teacher staring down at him through the thick lenses of the glasses perched on the end of her nose, a look of upmost disgust plain on her face. Her thin mouth was puckered, and her eyes flashed, disapproval was written in thick black letters all over her face.

Alec knew she didn't like him, what with him sleeping in her classes the entire year and yet being forced to give him a perfect grade on every essay he did, and thanks to the work and countless notes that filled his multiple exercise books, she could only give him the best score at the end of the year. This, he knew, caused her to convince herself that he was somehow cheating, despite her recent habit of tailing him and forcing him to write out every essay he did in his own handwriting under her supervision. The fact that, regardless of even her most exhaustive methods, he still passed her class with flying colours, all while being incredibly well rested, made her livid.

She towered over him, her heeled foot tapping incessantly against the polished wooden floor.

"Mr Lightwood," she gave an impertinent sniff and marched to the front of the class, her straight brown hair swaying behind her.

"If you want to pass my class," she said addressing the entire room, her hand clasped around a blue board pen, her voice drawn tight. "I suggest you try to stay awake!" she shot a venomous look at Alec. Spinning round she marched back to the front of the class and began to talk again, her hand flying back and forth across the board.

Sliding back down in his seat Alec inwardly groaned. Glancing at the clock he settled back till the bell run, signalling the long-awaited freedom to go home.

When Izzy got home, Alec was sprawled on the sofa, a book thicker than her thigh, open on his lap. He barely looked up as she flounced into the room, the front door banging shut in the distance. She flung her bag on a supposedly empty chair and immediately received a series of loud howls and hissing, which caused the cat, whose mouth they were emanating from, to be launched back several inches with each hiss. With a sympathetic "aww", Izzy scooped the cat from the chair and cradled it in one arm as she scratched its' ears.

"Sorry baby." she crooned as the cat nuzzled her hand for more attention, clearly enjoying the fuss. Tossing her hair over her shoulder Izzy strode over to the sofa and perched on one of the arms, still cuddling the cat. It jumped out her arms and ran up Alec on its short legs, its tiny tail stuck in the air, purring loudly. Quickly it dove under Alec's book and, resting its front legs on his chest, began eagerly nestling his face. Alec broke into an involuntary half smile and patted the cat's head gently.

"So," Izzy began, swinging her legs absently, "how was school?"

Alec cocked an eyebrow and glanced up at his sister, "What do you want?"

"Alec!" she said, mockingly surprised, "Am I not allowed to ask my dear brother how his day was?"

"Uh-huh?" he said, rolling his eyes, "So you don't want anything?"

The corner of Izzy's mouth twitched up. "Well, I don't want anything for me,"

"No." Alec sat up. The cat fell from his chest and began crying again, but this time he was ignored.

"Alec!" her tone childish, "You haven't even heard what it is!"

"And I don't have to. The answer is no Izzy."

"Ugh!" she cried indignantly, "Please, just this once. One time and then I'll never bother you about it ever again. Ever."

This caught Alec's attention. "Must be some party if you are willing to give up your harassment privileges. Alright I'll bite-for now. What's the catch?"

Victorious, Izzy began fishing around in her bag. After some time, she triumphantly pulled a black and gold card from her bag and practically flung it at her brother. "No catch." she said and flounced off in the direction of the kitchen.

Sighing deeply, Alec reached for the card, the gold lettering catching the light, distorting the name on the front. Flipping it over to the side was the most writing he read "You are invited to attend an evening you'll never forget! A masquerade themed festivity will be held to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter. Come dressed to impress!" It went on to list location, timings and RSVP but even Alec with his severely limited social intellect, knew the majority of party-goers would show up uninvited and without having RSVPed. If he had to find any good part about this whole thing, it was that it was masquerade. He snorted to himself, at these things, with everything that happens, of course you wouldn't want anyone knowing who you are.

He tossed it down onto the coffee table and went through to the kitchen.

Izzy was seated at the island in the centre of the kitchen, a steaming mug of what looked like coffee in her hand. She watched him expectantly as he crossed the room and opened the fridge. He grabbed the carton of orange juice inside and slammed the door shut, grabbing a glass as he went. Alec made his way over to the island, pouring himself a drink. Putting the carton down on the counter top he downed the glass in one and turned to face his sister.

"So...?" she asked carefully, wincing as if preparing herself.

"No." Alec said flatly, putting his glass down next to the juice carton.

"But Alec......!" Izzy straightened, preparing to attempt to convince her brother otherwise.

"No. You can keep your nagging rights. I am not going." Alec moved, swerving around Izzy and made his way out the open plan kitchen, through the connecting living room and towards the stairs. Izzy made to follow him and got as far as midway through the living room and stopped. "But Alec,"

"Still no Izzy." He paused at the bottom of the stairs and turned, "Oh and you are putting away that stuff in the kitchen as punishment for wasting my time." Grinning he jogged up the stairs. Izzy huffed angrily and went back into the kitchen. Snatching up an old coffee mug from the bare coffee table in the living room as she went.

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