Chapter 16

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Beaming golden and strong, the streetlight spilled into the mouth of the alley, but it failed horrifically to pierce the darkness beyond. She craned her neck, focusing on the the light. Pent rage mounted within her at the helplessness of her situation.

Her legs were held immobile, and her arms were made equally useless. She tried to struggle halfheartedly, knowing all too well that her captors had successfully pinned her to the alley floor without any means of escape.

No one would come for her, either. No doubt, Ethan and the others were out looking for her, but what would possess them to come to some out-of-the-way village? Even though she was surrounded by people, her screams would be lost in the wind and rain. Besides, who would want to leave the comfort of hearth and mug to investigate the cries of a random girl?

"Coop, go stand watch." Rob's voice was barely audible above the pelting rain.

"Psh. Go yerself. I donnae answer tae ye, Rob. I've jist as much right tae th' lass as ye!" Coop's indignant tones were easier to understand.

"Look here, numbskull. She cannae hae come here alone. Someone will by apt tae look fer her. We need a warnin' if anyone starts approachin'."

They didn't realize she was alone. Cassandra felt a flicker of hope spark in her heart. If that was the case. . .

"You don't want to know who came with me." Her voice was uneven and rattled, but she gritted her teeth and continued. "You'd do right to imagine I wouldn't come alone. Honestly, what lady would travel without an escort?"

That gave them pause. Rob had likely been making up his 'fears' for their safety so that he could have a better chance of taking her first. They knew she was English, and they knew something of how the English nobility worked. Suddenly, the prospect of being discovered outweighed the benefits.

"I'll naught be hangin' fer this!" One of the others flung up his hands, freeing her legs. "Ye said it would be easy, Rob. Now, look at th' mess yoo've gotten us intae!"

"Hang on jist a minute!" Rob protested forcefully.

"Grang is right! Thes is a fool's errand. Yer gon'tae git us all hung!" The grip on her hands loosened as the men began quarreling violently.

Now. Jerking free of her last restraints, she rolled to her feet. Ignoring the dizziness that washed over her, she barreled her way through the midst of the surprised Scotsmen, plunging deeper into the alley. At this point, the darkness was her only ally. Without it, she would be exposed—not only to the current men, but also to others who happened to catch a glimpse of her.

She ran as if possessed, unsure where she drew her strength from but not caring, either. All she could think of was getting out of here. Out of the alley, out of the scummy little village. Even the empty moors seemed welcoming after this.

The sound of their cursing followed her. She could hear them half-heartedly following her. For all they knew, she was running towards the help of her escort, and that would mean imprisonment or hanging for them. There was little mercy for a lowlife who threatened a lady of her standing.

She stumbled over something and fell, scraping her hands against something sharp. She drew in a sharp hiss of breath, cradling her injured hands. Struggling to her feet, she surveyed her surroundings. It was too dark to make out anything in particular, but around the corner of one of the buildings, she could make out a glimmer of light. She moved toward it, her pace slowing as she listened for sounds of pursuit.

"Are ye lost, ma'am?" A masculine voice startled her as she approached the lit street, and a scream escaped her lips. "Don't be scared, lass. I'm only tryin' ta help." The man chuckled lightly. His accent was more refined, easier for her to understand, and from the little she could see of him, he was well dressed.

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