Chapter 49

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    The cool hands of darkness surrounded her, holding her tightly. As the water seeped into her mouth and nose, when her tortured lungs could no longer stand not to breathe, her hyperventilating stopped. The water stopped up her ears.

    Everything inside of her went quiet and calm. There was no reason to fight. She felt a strange peacefulness close over her even as the water filled her, and she longed for even one breath of fresh air.

    For the first time in what seemed like forever, she felt safe. There was no danger now, nothing could harm her. The water's gentle arms wrapped around her, holding her, rocking her. It reminded her of her father.

    "I'm coming, Father. Wait for me. Nickolas is with you, too."

    She closed her eyes and willed it all to be over.


    "Cassie!" The voice reached her through a thick blanket of opaque fog. "Cassandra!" The darkness had a name. "Not like this, love." That was Nickolas.

    The fog receded a bit, and a shuddering breath shook her. There was so much water. She coughed, and pain flooded her senses. Water spewed from her lips, and she lifted her leaden eyelids.

    Nickolas's face loomed over hers. His face and hair were wet, and he was propping himself over her on his elbows.

    "Nickolas?" Her voice was weak and small, a toad's croak in her own ears.

    A smile tugged at his lips, and relief washed over his features as one of his hands tangled into her hair. He pressed closer to her as though he needed to feel her, to reassure himself that this wasn't some dream.

    He was so pale, so wraithlike. Was this what death looked like? Had they passed into the afterlife?

    She hadn't imagined movement would be so draining, she thought as she reached up with an arm that felt like stone to touch him. He was warm and solid, if a little wet. He felt so real. She found herself smiling up at him through the sudden flood of tears that swam about in her eyes.

    "Hold onto me." He whispered, and she complied, wrapping her arms around his neck.

    Nickolas tensed, and she felt him quivering as he lifted her off the ground. Why was he so weak? Her brain felt so sluggish and tired, and breathing hurt. Wasn't the afterlife supposed to be a little less painful?

    "Charlie, we've got to get out of here. There's no telling who's watching." Nickolas's voice was all command, but it was strained as though it cost him even to speak.

    "Right." That was Charlie Fergus's voice.

    Cassandra turned to look in the direction of the sound. Charlie was pulling two horses toward them, and he was wet, too. Wait—

    "You found me." She breathed. Not dead. She was not dead. She was still alive. "How?" She looked at Nickolas.

    "A wild guess." He smiled weakly at her. "Did you think you could get rid of me that easily, sweetie?" There was none of his usual bravado behind the words.

    "But I saw you fall." She protested, the memories resurfacing through the heavy fog in her brain. "They shot you."

    He shrugged stiffly. "Just a few scratches." He spoke through gritted teeth, and she understood that he wasn't pale because of fear for her.

    "Can you ride?" Charlie interrupted suddenly. There was a strange urgency in his voice, and his eyes darted wildly about.

    "Yes." Nickolas answered shortly.

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