Black Man: Cry No More

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Black man
Black man
Why do you cry?
You hide such deep sorrow behind hollowed lines...
Weep alone no more
For affection lies within my arms
Sunken tears run down smooth skin
Allow me to caress away your solitude
Do I seek your gratitude?
Ha...I seek the deepest parts of you
The darker spots in you
Hide no more behind such hard lines
Fall into my arms...gratified
Know that with me your soul will be satisfied

Black man
Black man
Why do you cry?
Your skin glows gold
That's pure melanin
Your voice so melodious
The birds stop singing just to contemplate their own voices
The tides push and pull to your whimsy
You are...Powerful
Shower me with your prowess
Hunt me like your next prey
Do I graze, waiting to be captured?
Must I lay idle to catch your affections...your attentions?
Man, you have to know, you're elegant
Your every move...heaven sent

Black man
Black man
Why do you cry?
If I told you that beneath my smiles
And intangible words hides darkened lines
Would you want me any less?
Find satisfaction throughout me
Within me
Not just with what lies inbewteen my thighs...
I am a lioness, though I feign a gazelle
Not to deceive
But to strengthen the lion
To feed your sensibilities...
Catch me
Know me
Devour the deepest, darkest parts of me
Accept me
Because in this lifetime
You will find no love greater than mine

Black man
Black man
Why do you cry??

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