Soul Ties

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I fell to my knees before you
Begging for communion
You tried to deny me
But instead fed me sour dough
Served me sweet water in the palm of your hand
I drank
Filled with praises
For you
Knees scuffed up
Hard life livin'
This is spirituality in human form
Our bodies singing hymns for the Lord's ears only
As he watches
She watches
Clapping her hands
His hands
Merrily, rejoicing in our union
The universe shapes inbewteen my thighs, becoming as tangible as my name groaned from kiss swollen lips
Expelled from the trunk of this man
My man
Filling me
Stealing the demons that harbor vaste worlds from me
Writhing in the hold of emotional anarchy
Creating Zion
Believing haphazardly
Praying faithfully, breeding life into our Soul Ties

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