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2412, Tull 19, Jyda

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2412, Tull 19, Jyda

Xanthy tapped her spoon against the marquine bowl. Women dressed in tighter, rose-brown dresses whipped to her from their perch a table away. June raised an eyebrow at her from across the table.

"Okay, what happened last night?" Xanthy frowned at the memory of the crater in the wall and that woman's angry face. "You said I would not be able to cast spells with the words you use."

June pursed his lips. "About that, uh," he scratched his scalp with a hooked finger. "I do not know as well, honestly. You sure you are not what you are?"

"I do not even know what I am!" Xanthy squeezed the handle of her spoon until she was certain the metal would seep to her skin. Several workers glanced up from their food to give Xanthy a confused look.

Xanthy massaged her temple. "I cannot even learn magic now," she lamented. "How could I defend myself from Civil Guards who wanted to purge me? Do not get me started on that authorized magic usage! How in Rudik's ass were they able to trace each and every spell cast in this death realm?"

June gave her a look. Xanthy grunted. "Of course," she rolled her eyes. "Trails."

"Right," June shoved a spoonful of goop into his mouth, bobbing his head. "Trails."

"I still cannot see them," Xanthy pouted.

June chewed. "Have you tried it in your room?" he asked. "Trail sighting is not magic, per se. In fact, I am looking at the trail dimension now to see if there will be butterbread in the kitchen."

Xanthy couldn't have whirled faster. Butterbread!

June chuckled. "I am kidding, of course," he dunked his spoon into his bowl. "As if they are going to feed us bread. Pastries are for high-ups!"

"Son of a witch," Xanthy muttered and took a bite out of her goop. The thing tasted nothing like butter or bread. Ugh. Where was Aunt Becky's pastries when Xanthy needed them?

"Hey, Xanthy. Can I ask you something?" June piped up.

Xanthy wagged her spoon at him. "Shoot."

"Why are there purges in Cardina?" June hunkered down as if it's a dangerous topic.

Xanthy shrugged. "Straighten up! You are human so it is safe for you in here," she dug her teeth into a firm square of meat she shoved into her mouth. "Besides, why are you asking? How have you, a human, never set foot in Cardina?"

June knitted his eyebrows. "What makes you think I am human?" he asked.

"You can cast spells. You said Cardina completes you," Xanthy rolled her eyes. "It feels different when you are with your own kind, does it not?"

June blinked then smiled. "Yeah," he said. "I was born to travelling parents so we never really settled anywhere for too long. So, yeah, I have not been to Cardina. That is why I was asking about the purges."

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