2. Go All The Way

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"You have call..." Bereet nervously says as she sips her hot coffee at the table, whilst Peter and myself listen to the broadcasts about Kree Empire riots in protest to the peace treaty. Some people are just begging for a fight. 

"No!" we both shout at her, "Don't!" 

Too late.

Yondu and his fat blue, blob, of a head suddenly appear on screen. 

"Quill!" Well, today seems to be getting even better

"Hey Yondu,"

"Hi Kurt!" I beam enthusiastically


"Kurt Wagner? Doesn't matter Dory,"

"If you keep calling me names girl, amma let these boys eat you," 

"That's my job!" Peter gasps, fake hurt on his face as he clutches his chest and turns to face me. I pout out my bottom lip teasingly at him.

"There seems to be a line forming," I remark before we both give small chuckles. 

"Be quiet!" Yondu shouts to shut us up. I think that was the only reason he let us leave his ship, was because we undermined him every time and got on his last nerve whenever we were together, "I'm here on Morag. Ain't no Orb, ain't no you."

"Well, I was in the neighbourhood and though I'd save you the hassle,"

"Well, where are you at now, boy," I shook my head quickly at Quill as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye whilst he addressed the screen. Myself, slightly off to the side out of Yondu's view. 

"He feels really bad about this, but he's not going to tell you that," I pop my head in from off screen before hiding again. I knew it would wind the blue, Megamind wanna be, up. 

"I slaved putting this deal together!" 

'I slaved putting this deal together'  I imitated with a funny face at Yondu and his idiocy. 

"Slaved, you made a few phone calls," Peter expertly pointed out. 

"And now you're gonna rip me off!" 

'and now you're gonna rip me off'  what a díck. 

"We do not do that to each other, we're Ravagers. We got a code," Yondu tries to turn the tables.

"Yeah, steal from everybody," Peter and I say simultaneously as we nod our heads at the rule. 

"When I picked you up on Terra,"

"Picked me up," now it was Peters turn to make the faces. Ha! This is why I keep off screen, so he can't throw the 'we found you floating in space'  at me. Slowly, I stand from my seat on a crate and make my way over to the table where Bereet was glancing at us wearily . At least she had the decency to keep her mouth shut. 

"These boys of mine wanted to eat you," Okay time for this call to end, "They ain't never tasted any Terran before. I will find you-"

The screen suddenly dissapears, "Oopsie," I say innocently with my finger hanging over the console button to shut the screen of, "Guess I was getting a little bored of racing stripe," I beam as Peter storms over to me with a gruff and tells me to put on some clothes. His hand tapping my bare butt as he walks past; I had stripped down to one of his shirts and my underwear. 

"Aye aye Captain," I mock salute before heading off to get changed before we land on Xandar. 


Pulling on my combat pants and a loose black shirt, I grab my bag and toss the orb to Peter as I pass. Planting a goodbye kiss on his cheek as I wander down the hatch and onto the sunny planet of Xandar. 

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