3.25 Flash Light

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Years later

Freya had lost all hope of ever escaping Sakaar.

After she had been captured she had been paraded like a slab of meat for sale. Her ruined clothes had been stripped of her body as they electrocuted her. Shoving a very thin dress over her head that did nothing to hide the curves and shadows of her body. Her tattoos standing out against the white material as they shackled her ankles and wrists. Making her walk as a large group gawked over her body. Drooling over the flesh they could see.

She had been sold to the highest bidder. The Grand Master having extravagantly awwed over her. Throwing his money around as he claimed her and paraded her back to his chambers.

She had been greeted by five other people. It appeared he was collecting beings of different species to warm his bed at night. He had asked them to dress and wash her; make her presentable. She hadn't objected as they soothed her aching body and washed away the horrors of the previous weeks. Placing very revealing, but soft, clothes against her skin.

She'd played along with his little games. He'd rent her body out to anyone who became part of his inner circle of crazy friends. Wine and dine her. Make her brush her fingers through his wiry hair until he fell asleep against her plump breast.

Whilst all along she would be watching from a seat in the corner. Hidden by her magic as the doppelgänger she created attended to his needs.

She often wondered what Peter would think of this. How she survived by creating illusions of herself and hiding in the shadows. Whispering in her master's ear. Waiting for the perfect moment. Biding her time.

She never expected her circumstances to change the way they did.

She had been asleep, wrapped up in soft blankets, on one of the plush lounge chairs as her naked doppelgänger slept peacefully against the Grand Masters chest. The door had crept open almost silently; the whisper of the frame waking her from her light sleep. A figure dressed in dark hooded clothes had crept past her invisible form towards the bed.

The dagger they had produced gleamed in the night. Their light frame tiptoeing over the bed. Before bringing it down harshly against the body beneath them.

The Grand Master had awoken suddenly as my clone grabbed the arm that held the blade inches from his exposed chest.

The intruder never expected Freya to attack from behind. Her real form crashing into the person who had just tried to assassinate him. Rolling on the floor, her doppelgänger had then grabbed the man who she was once sleeping against and pulled him from the room; eyes widening in shock as he realised the twin of her beating the intruder to death. Snapping his neck in her soft hands

She had then walked up to her master. Her leather-clad legs and her black shirt had the shadows dancing around her as she held out her hand for him to take.  He had taken her outstretched hand and stammered giddily once he realised the power she beheld as she escorted him to a safer place. Ignoring the dead body at the foot of his bed as Freya stepped over it. 

Her circumstances changed after that.

Once the Grand Master realised that she was able to play small party tricks and her efficiency with a blade, she was put to work against the other contenders of Sakkar. Wielding blades and using her magic to trick her opponents as she continued to win fight after fight in their rings and tournaments. The release and freedom the arena gave her was a warm welcome after being stuck in the chambers of the Grand Master for many years. The blood she shed was somewhat of a distraction as she realised she would never get out and this would forever be her life. A thing to be used at others pleasure.

If she was not fighting she was still having to warm peoples beds under her Masters orders.

Except for this time, they made her create multiple illusions of herself as she continued to hide in the corners of their chambers. Eating their food and drinking their wine as they destroyed her doppelgängers with their pleasures.  

Nobody was yet to figure out if it were the true Freya or merely a fragmentation of their imagination they took to bed. Most too drunk or their heads in another word from the substances they took to really care. 

It wasn't until they put her against the newcomer, the crazy-ass monster that they called 'The Hulk' -who had crash-landed on this horrendous planet- that she began enjoying herself.

The green giant was a worthy opponent in the ring. He pushed her limits, and his challenging fighting was a warm welcome. He was someone who thrived on the attention. The giddiness he seemed to project after they took it in turns to beat the shít out of one another seemed to warm her heart a little. When his fist connected with her face and cracked a few bones, she rejoiced in the pain. When he knocked her out, when he'd beaten her until she was bloody and half dead; only then, did she truly relax as the darkness consumed her.

However, she could see something in him. She didn't yet understand it. But when she visited his quarters. The small conversations she had with him, she understood that he too was hiding a part of himself. His eyes would often appear to be trying so desperately to keep part of himself hidden. Something he was constantly fighting. But it seemed that she calmed the sides that were fighting in his head.

She told him stories of her childhood- her childhood with Peter- as he listened intently from his bath, Freya gazing out the large windows and daydreaming to be back in her father's arms, but never telling the green giant of her heritage. So she told him stories of her husband and the dysfunctional family she had found throughout her travels across the galaxy. 

He even pulled her gently into his side one evening as they watched the twin suns set on the horizon as she let a single tear fall as she desperately clung to those memories.

One day she would escape this place, would escape this Hel. 



Some people have pointed out that in a previous chapter I did accidentally change the name of Freya. I will eventually go back and change this, I had just finished writing a chapter for 'Deckard' and hadn't realised my mistake when I jumped over to this plot, thank you!

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