Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You can't work in that restaurant anymore." Luke said as he entered her house. "And you're not staying here."

Bianca had spoken to her landlord about giving her another day to get her stuff together and clear the place she lived in. Dana had been nice enough to offer her her own place to live in until Bianca could arrange something for herself.

"Yes, I'm going to live at my friend's place for a few days seeing that I can't live here anymore. I got extra time from my landlord to pack my bags but I'll be gone by the morning. I need the job though." She threw her bag on the couch and turned around to face him.

"Not anymore. We're marrying in 6 days. You don't need a job...and you're going to stay with me." He said firmly.

Bianca folded her hands on her chest. "Look, I know that we are marrying soon but until then my life remains the way it was."

Luke quirked a brow and Bianca couldn't help but notice how sexy he looked. "On the contrary, since we're marrying soon, you might as well start living with me."

She shook her head to clear her mind of the X-rated thoughts. She thought that she had a while before it was time to start living with him.

"I can't live with you before the marriage." Maybe if she pulled the 'it's-not-right-to-live-together-before-marriage' card, he'd let her have a few more days of independence.

Luke stared at her for a moment. "Fine. Fine...we'll marry tomorrow."

"What!? No!" She looked at him like he had two heads.

"Then move in with me. Right now."

"Right now?" She looked around her house. She definitely wasn't marrying him tomorrow. It was too soon. But could she really start living with him from now itself? "I need some time to collect my belongings."

He looked at his watch and then looked her. "15 minutes."

"I need to clear my house! Not clean it!" She exclaimed.

"Not that I am trying to be rude or anything, but darling, these four walls are barely a house. You have 15 minutes." He snapped his fingers. "Not a minute more."

She opened her mouth to protest but then closed it. The look he gave her said that she didn't want to mess with him right now. She huffed and turned around, missing the slight twitch of amusement on Luke's mouth.

She turned to small chest which held her clothes and bent to bring a bag out from underneath it.

As she did so, she heard Luke's footsteps behind her. One of his arms snaked across her stomach, startling her a little bit. "Allow me." He said as she straightened her back. His close proximity had made her feel strange things in her stomach. Good kind of strange.

No matter how annoyed Luke felt when she came home late, he couldn't help but worry about her anyway. He didn't want to have her bending over and lifting weight and putting herself or the baby in danger.

"I can take care of this." She said, refusing to take his help.

"Is it so important to speak against everything I say?" He moved her out of the way and bent to get her suitcase out.

She gave his suit clad back an annoyed look and took a few steps back, watching him dump all the contents of the chest in the suitcase.

As he moved down to the second of the four drawers of the chest, she raised her voice to stop him from opening it, however, it was too late. Her lingerie was on display for his eyes as soon as he opened the drawer and Bianca squeezed her eyes shut. This was beyond embarrassing.

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