Chapter 22

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You need to check out WatcherOnTheWalls' story, "Mating A God." I'm loving it! :D


'Please call Luke. We had a fight.'

Ethan placed his bottle of beer down and frowned when he read that message sent by Bianca. He glanced at the clock on the wall in front of him to check the time. It was almost 1 AM.

What was going on? First Luke asks him to call her and now she wants him to call Luke. Ethan shook his head and grabbed his phone. He called Luke and took a sip of his beer as he waited for his call to be answered.

The call was answered after a few rings but Luke didn't say anything.

"Hello? Luke?" Ethan could hear some music in the background. "Are you there?"

"Yeah." His brother answered.

"Where are you, buddy?" Ethan questioned. He was already up, his beer forgotten as he grabbed the keys for his car. He didn't bother calling his chauffeur at this hour.

"Somewhere." He said dismissively. "Why'd you call?"

"Just..." Bianca said that they had a fight. He didn't know whether it was okay for him to tell him that she had asked him to call. "No reason."

Luke didn't say anything.

"So? Where are you?" He asked again.

Luke sighed and gave him the name of the bar he was at.

He'd never had to drink to stop his mind from thinking something. If anything bothered him, he dealt with it. But this...situation with Bianca was something beyond his control and he hated it.

He was also aware that if he really wanted to stop himself from thinking about it, he'd have to get totally smashed because no matter how hard he tried, the image of her dead didn't leave him. He closed his eyes whenever he thought about it because he couldn't...he just couldn't. He didn't want to think of it and he didn't want to get drunk either...he wasn't irresponsible. So in short, he was doomed.

Everything had been going good, he thought. He'd watched his son in her stomach during the ultrasound. He had heard his heartbeats. Who knew that Bianca might not have one as soon as his birth. He took a swing of his whiskey and felt it burn at the back of his throat.

No matter how hard he tried to limit himself to 1 glass, he couldn't help but ask the bartender for another one.

A few minutes later, he felt a pat on his shoulder and he watched as Ethan sat himself down beside him.

"You and at this hour at a bar? Never thought I'll see such a sight. Am I finally rubbing off on you?" Ethan said jokingly while ordering himself a drink as well.

Luke didn't reply. He just gave his brother a small smile, shook his head at him and went back to drinking.

"Luke? Is everything okay?" Ethan asked, sensing his brother's mood. He realized that it was easy to deal with him when he was angry. But when he got quiet, it scared him.

"You remember when our father left us?" Luke started.

Ethan suddenly became alert, a serious expression crossing his face. His brother never spoke of their father. Never. "Yes?" He asked cautiously.

"When he walked out, I had a choice to stop him. I could have pleaded and begged him not to leave us. It didn't matter if he listened or not. At least I could have tried stopping him. But I didn't. I didn't want him to stay. I wanted him gone so he couldn't hurt us anymore." Luke stared ahead of him, deep in his thoughts.

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