17. Jealous

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jimin asks, not even bothering to try to hide his worried look; the last two hours, not once did he look relaxed. In fact, he was all but waiting for a bomb to go off.

"Yes," I sigh, tired of reassuring him; I'm tired of reassuring everyone, as a matter of fact. Jungkook and Hobi more than anyone else but Yoongi and Jimin aren't that far behind. "I told you I'm good. I'll be okay. Now go and live your life. Namjoon wasn't the center of mine; I still have shit to do."

"Okay, that's enough," Yoongi grabs Jimin by the sleeve and literally pushes him out of the apartment. "She obviously wants to be alone," he glares at Jimin before turning to look at me. "If you change your mind, if you need anything, just call, okay?"

"Yeah, thank you," I smile at him before he starts dragging Jimin away; and Jiminie still turns to look at me, with his cute puppy eyes. I wave at him before closing the door; Jimin needs to give me a benefit of a doubt here. Sure, breakups aren't nice, especially not when the relationship was a big, important, not to mention only one – and it lasted 5 years.

But I'm not some... incapable chick whose boyfriend was the center of her world. Namjoon wasn't my life when we were together and he sure as hell isn't going to be my life now.

So, I close the door on Jimin and his worry, letting a much calmer Yoongi drag him away.

"Fucking finally!" I hear Jungkook sigh from the living room.

"What the fuck did Yoongi and Jimin ever do to you?" I laugh as I walk over to join him on the couch.

"Shorty and Green Hair are no fun," he sighs; I roll my eyes at the nicknames, knowing he is well aware of what their names are. "They keep babying you. They spend too much time here and when they're around, you can't talk to me."

I can't believe how long it took me to figure out something so painfully obvious.

"Jungkook, are you... jealous?"

"No," he shakes his head, huffing. "Of course not. Pffft."

"Oh my god," I start laughing. "You're totally jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Because I'm talking to someone else and not you," I laugh when I see him looking away. "Poor baby wants attention, don't you?"

"Stop it," he glares at me.

"So I am right," I nod, taking a moment to process it. "Makes sense, actually. But I can't cut everyone else from my life, Kook. You're just going to have to take it. Besides, this was... an emergency situation. They were worried about me, they didn't want to leave me alone."

"You're single, not dying," he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah but you don't get it," I chuckle; oh, how I wish it was that simple. "They're my best friends. Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi. And along with the four of us, Namjoon was there too. The five of us have been inseparable for years. Years. He is just as important to them as I am. This is not just a break up, it's a ticking time bomb on a pretty strong friendship."

"For someone that's caught in the middle they sure seem like they're taking sides," he tells me.

"Yeah, but that's because I'm here and Namjoon isn't," I point out. Once again, it isn't as simple as he thinks it is. "The moment all of us are in the same place, they will organize an intervention or something. They'll try to salvage our little group, our friendship."

"Will it work?" Jungkook raises his eyebrow, looking suspicious.

"Not sure," I admit, shrugging my shoulders. "If it happens today, it won't. If it happens in six months, it might. It's kind of hard staying friends with someone who you don't even want to look at."

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