The Adelaide Approach

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Five Days Later

Adelaide had gotten back the night before and Sherlock felt ready to finally make his move. He'd excused himself from any cases for the day to focus solely on her.

It was mid morning when he made his way to her office. In one hand he carried a stack of simple paper squares with an assortment of messages written on them. Some to him from John and Molly, but most for him to use when he approached Adelaide. He brushed his fingers over them and took a few deeper breaths as he neared her office, "Just strike up a conversation with her and lead on from there. Then at the right time..."

He silenced when the office door came into view.  Then he pocketed the cards and took a few long strides to get there faster. As he gripped the door handle he remembered John's words of support, and finally he opened the door and walked in.

Adelaide, per the norm, was alone at her desk and working on her computer. She was engrossed, given her lack of response to him and the way her eyes were transfixed on the screen. He bounced on his feet for a moment and then approached the desk, "Good Morning, Adelaide."

Her head snapped up and she flushed, "Sh-Sherlock! Good Morning!"

He looked over her, "A successful trip?"

"Yes, very. I did get to see a few gila monsters and the reptiles were all around active." He admired the way she lit up as she obligingly recounted the highlights of her Desert Trip. When she stopped for air he made another deduction.

"Sore, Adelaide?"


"Sore. You look sunburnt and I see a few bandages on your arms."

She looked down at the bandages, "Oh! Yeah, I got into a patch of jumping cacti while tracking a snake. Those things stuck all over but my arms were the worst. The sunburn is normal- I get them often, even with sunblock."

He stepped around and gently grasped her left arm, wanting to get a better look, "Jumping Cacti?"

"They don't literally have legs to jump with. They just reattach and jump from place to place with the slightest physical contact. Getting them out takes forever because of it."

"I see. Then it is fortunate that you seem to be recovering well from those."

She smiled and chuckled, "Yeah, it's a good thing I'm healing pretty fast. Any interesting cases while I was gone?"

He shook his head and grunted, "No. All of them were dull and boring."

She sobered a bit, "Did you have any trouble..?"

Sherlock shook his head again, "No."

"Oh. Well, that's good to hear, Sherlock."

She turned back to her computer and he discreetly took out his cards. He paced to the fish tank to look them over and get an idea for how to continue. When he finally did he returned, "Adelaide?"

"Yes, Sherlock?" She looked back up at him, "Is there something you needed me for?"

Ease into it.

"Have I told you that I like it when you wear your glasses?"

A gentle blush dusted her cheeks, "N-No... You haven't."

"W-Well, I like them. They... enhance your eyes."



"I've been told that my eyes are pretty... but n-no one has really said anything like that about my glasses," Her blush intensified and she smiled shyly, "Thank you, Sherlock."

She is responding positively to the compliment flirting. Keep it simple and sincere. She needs to understand you're actually interested.

He also added in subtle body language this time, using postures and gestures that he had researched and practiced. At first Adelaide didn't notice, only looking at him when he spoke to her. He flirted innocently to draw her attention- even commenting on her ponytail.

When he knew she was catching on, he made the body language more pronounced and dialed back the verbal flirting, filling in with normal conversation to keep her focused on him. When he was sure that he had her whole attention, he stepped it up.

Touch and Proximity. She's shy- too much too close would be invasive.

He finally grabbed a chair and pulled it up to her desk, claiming he needed to sit down. He didn't put it very close at first, just waited for an opportunity to move a little closer. Within minutes it came. Her pictures from her trip had loaded and she timidly asked if he would like to see.

Sherlock smiled coyly and moved the chair up next to hers, leaning in towards the screen. She was blushing heavily and stammered as she gave him the stories behind the photographs already. Then he placed his hand over hers on her mouse, wanting to enlarge a specific region of one of the photos.

He'd expected Adelaide to blush harder. He hadn't expected himself to blush. A short, electric sensation coursed through him as he made physical contact and his cheeks turned a pale shade of pink. Her hand, compared to his large warm one, was small and invitingly cool to the touch. He inadvertently gulped from his own response and Adelaide noticed.



"Wh-Why are you so close?"

And like that he knew he had to ask then and there. He steeled himself and gently removed his hand from hers, "Adelaide, w-would you be interested in having dinner with me?"

Too soon!! He screamed at himself as she stared at him, red faced and stunned. You didn't get accomplish the rest of your strategy! She probably thinks you're a creeper now!

"Dinner?.. Like a... date?"

He smiled and nervously, "Erm... Yes... I suppose that is what I was actually asking of you. So,.. would you be interested in going on a date tonight? With me?"

She blushed and nodded, "Y-Yes! I'd love to, Sherlock!"

And it finally happens! ;) Thank you for reading!! Love Y'all!

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