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For weeks Uriel took Margo to trips around the island. Touring, dinning, swimming to other beaches and sailing to their yatch.

Deep inside Margo knows what he was doing. He was doing what the kid, Poblito offered to her. Making sure he did all those things so no one else got a chance.

She giggled.

Uriel looking coldly down at her, knowing what her thinking.

That made her laughs. She was teasing him of it and he punished her for it. Still she did again and again, she liked how he gave his punishments.

Walking down the peaceful beach on the next island they've staying, hand to hand, she savour this light happy feeling.

The breeze whips their attire, as she wore an nice light blue sun dress and sandals, Uriel wore a cotton white shirt, unbuttoned and cotton pants while barefoot.

His rip bode for the show. His tattoo on his arms that crawled to his pecs ripples on every move he makes.

She saw some red marks along his lower back that she gave him last night.

She bit her lips that made him looked darkly to her.

"Sir, sorry to disturbed. A call from Mr. Gustav"

"I'll take it in the yatch."

She smiled and nods to him. On their time together work always called him.  It's ok with her she knows his busy but still bring her on this tours.

She stayed in the beach as he go walking to the rocky part. She was about to pick a big, pink shell when someone grabs her arm and put a foul smelling cloth at her nose and mouth. She screams but soon her vision darkens and loss consciousness.

The last thing she remembers is a sound of gun fire ringing off and men run towards the guards of Uriel.


Waking with nausea is a bitch. Specially when you want to throw up immediately even before opening your eyes. And that she did.

She scrambles to the side of the bed and puked at the expensive looking rug but she didn't care. The smell still stuck in her nostrils and threatened her to faint again.

A worried voice of a woman cried and hands came to her back rubbing it. Saying something in Ivalisa and shouting.

A baritone voice answered.

"The fuck is that smell?" She asked hoarsely.

"Margo?" The woman voice called her. She looked up and jumps back. The woman looked beautiful with her perfect make up and elegant dress. Precious stone adore her ears, neck and hands.

A movement to her right and she saw a man dress expensively to took a seat next to her.

An older man stood at the foot of the bed.

"Uhmm who are you people? And speak english i don't understand Ivalisa."

"Oh Margo..." the woman cried and tried to touch her head but she ducks.

"We are your family Margo. I'm Maximone. Do you truly not remember anything?"

Oh boy...


They are now at the library after the throw up incident. They let her take a bath and made her wear a ridiculous long gown and excessive jewelries. Many help took care of her from her hair to her make up.

The woman clutches her hand while the men was drinking.

"You dont know how happy i am your back my daughter. So happy"

"Yeah... to the point of kidnapping me. Don't you know i was kidnapped too before? I could have fallen to shock and fell to coma again." She was exaggerating but she didn't care. She was mad. "Not to mention that horrible chemical you force me to inhale"

"It's a mild sleeping tonic that won't harm you. I shouldn't let some smell after"

"Maybe it went had and expired and still you used it. I might have have caught tuberculosis with that!" Ok that too much.

"I assure you you won't. We just need to get out from that devil before it's too late."

She raised a brow. "Uriel?"

"Don't say the filthy name" the woman hissed.

"What's your beef with him?"

They all went silent.

The older man sighs and drink. Soon a n help pour him another.

"That vile devil stole you away from us and force our hands to let you wed him. He did every dirty tricks so he can get what he wants. He blocks all our trading routes, wreck havoc on our beautiful city with men and guns and spread drugs to people of Ivalisa when we first denied him. He also kidnapped your uncle Sevro and murdered him." The woman said. Queen Marionetta.

"He wants power to control our kingdom and you are his solid hold. By marrying you he has rights to command the country and bind our hands." Maximone added.

The older man, king Matino just sighs and lean his hand to his forehead.

She just looked at them.

"What is more disgusting deed he's done is force you...rape you...so so he.. we have no choice but to agreed so to save your dignity to the wedding." The woman now wailed.

"Many people died because of him Margo.. and i know it in your heart it's  true. We know you hate him to the bone."

"No. I don't believe you. He has done nothing horrible to me since i woke up. He showed me his love..."

"It's a trick! Don't you see?! " Max jr. Burst. "This is his perfect opportunity to make you fall for him. You don't remember anything so he can manipulate you and give him what he ultimately wants."

"And that is?"

"The seal to your princess status. You signing your full power and seat to the court to him. With that he can plea his rights to the successor to the throne if and im sure i die if he gets it."

She sag in the couch. All this accusation and details.

But she is a woman who doesn't believe something until she saw it herself. Not just to rumors told by anybody. Not until she saw proof.

"Do you have proof? Anything? Papers? I don't know? a video?"

"Oh Margo!" The Queen cried again. Max jr. Stood and a hard look in his face, angry she didn't believe then in face value.

By now the king also looked hard at her but in curiosity and wariness.

Max walks away but comes back with a laptop and put at the table. He then clicks a video.

On scene was a video at sea with two carrier ship and a military type boat rain bullets at the cargo vessel. The one who is taking the video is Shouting in Ivalisa and gunning the attacking boat. I made her frown. Then another scene is when gun fights at the streets. Many people are running and some men in wife beaters and cargo pants and jeans laughing while raining bullets at the civilian. Soon men in suits fires at the gun mens but soon fights again on uniforms militaries when they attack the suits.

One people she recognized but didn't comment on it. She keep watching. Over and over scenes are changing and article from the news papers are shown. as more she watch the idea in her head solidified. Someone has fucked up royaly.

She looked up to the king, her father and he looks at her too.

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