Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

I spent about thirty minutes in front of the mirror to fix my hair, it was wild, just like its owner. When I was done I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My little sister, Milly, was sitting at the table, I kissed her on the cheek and she pushed me away and went on about how much she's thirteen now and how I should stop treating her like a baby.

"Morning mom. Where is dad?" I asked

"He left early to work on his big project with his team." She answered.

I grabbed a piece of toast and was out the door. I didn't have time to eat a full breakfast, I had to go meet up with my new friend Christian, even if he doesn't want to be friends, I will convince him. I heard about him, how could I not, when I spoke to him the first day, right after class a bunch of students approached me telling me how Christian is a psycho and how much he will hurt me. But I didn't care, I even heard about his sixth birthday from a girl. I ignored them, I wanted to know who Christian is from Christian and I really love a challenge and he is a big one.

I got to school right as the bell rang. My first class was English and I had that with him. I sat at a seat near the back and then I saw him enter and walked to the seat at the window at the back to the far right. I was on the other side of the classroom, to the far left and I was not so happy to be so far from him. I got up and went to the seat next to him and told the kid to move and he ran off to the seat I was in before. I sat down and turned to Christian, he was looking through the window.

"Hey Chris. What you staring at?" He turned around and look confused to who was talking to him.

"What do you want Taylor?" He asked when he realized it was me.

"I wanted to know what you were looking at. So what were you looking at?" I asked again. I smiled at him and touched his shoulder, but he brushed it off.

"I was looking at nothing. What do you want?"

"Can't I talk to my friend? We are friends aren't we?"

"No. And the last time I checked you were the one to classify yourself as my friend, which I never agreed to." He said and turned back to his window. I was going to say something when Mrs. Rivers walked in.

"Now students quiet down it's time for class to begin."

The class was mostly me ignoring the lesson being thought and staring at Christian. While Christian was staring out the window. I don't understand why I wanted to be him friend so bad. I took an interest in him on my first day when I ran into him by the lockers. I thought he was cute, I'm not go into lie he was and is, I just want to get close to him, know him. That is the hard part because he doesn't want to get close to me.

Class ended and Christian was the first out of the class. I followed suit and I caught up with him and he pretended like I wasn't even there. Our lockers were close and I was glad for that.

"What class do you have next?" I asked when I got to his locker.

"Physics." He said before turning to walk away. I grabbed his hand to stop him. "What?"

"See you at lunch." I said and gave him a smile, I didn't wait to see his reaction. I was already late to wood shop.

Lunch finally rolled around and when I entered the cafeteria I saw Christian at a table at the far back at the window by himself. I grabbed my lunch and headed to him.

"Hey Chris. Can I sit with you?" I didn't wait for an answer I just sat down.

"I didn't say you could. Now go away."

"No I will not. I want to sit with you." I said and started eating. Then I heard him.


"What?" I asked I wasn't sure what he was asking.

"Why do you want to be my friend? I'm sure you heard about me."

"I have heard about you and I don't care what other think of you. I want be your friend because you are interesting and I want to know who you are from you and you are also kind of cute." I told him. "And I'm pretty sure you won't hurt me."

"How are you so sure?"

"I can handle you."

The conversation died down, but it was not awkward, it was oddly comfortable. The bell rang signalling that lunch was over.

"What class do you have now? I asks him.

"As if it's any of your business, but I have Biology." He said and I ran to to catch up to him.

"I have Arts. Meet after school?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to and I would like if you stop talking to me okay." Christian said and I want to know why he was so against us being friends.

I was about to asked when he disappeared into the swarm of teenagers and I couldn't see him, so I gave up. The few sessions we had left finished and I was heading to the parking lot to wait on Christian by his car. It took about half an hour for him to get here.

"What now?!" He asked clearly irritated, but I didn't care. I want to be near him. I don't know why, but I just want to.

"Nothing just want to talk to you before I go home." I told him. I watched as a surprised, but confused look dawned on his face.

"What? Why can't you just leave me alone? There are probably a lot of people in our school who would be willing to be your friend, but I don't want to." He said making a move to pass me to get to his car.

I grabbed his hand to stop him. "Yes I know there are a lot of people who would willingly be my friend, but I want you to be my friend." He tried to pull his hand from mine, but I tightened my hold on it. "I like you Christian. I have never wanted to be someone's friend as much as I want to be yours." I told him. I look up at his face, he was staring at where our hands were connected. When he finally looked up, our eyes meet and finally got a good look at his eyes, they were light blue, with a slight shade of lavender. They were beautiful and I could look at them all day.

"What are you looking at?" I heard him asked.

"N..nothing." I told him before averting my eyes. I didn't know I was staring so long.

"Taylor. Um. Can you like let go off my hand, it's getting a little awkward?" He said and I instantly let go. His hands were soft. "If you have nothing else to say to me, I will be leaving then." He said, but stood there looking at me.

"Oh, yeah. Tomorrow?" I said and smiled, even though I was mess inside.

"Yeah, sure." He said, but sounded unsure. He got in his care and in a few minutes drove off leaving me in the parking lot once again.

I stood there watching as his car drove away and out of sight. I walked to my car and got in, but didn't start it. I sat there looking out the windshield.

Why am I feeling like this?

I honestly don't know what I was feeling. I started feeling this way the day I met Christian, but is got worse when I looked in his eyes.

Don't get me wrong. I like boys. I'm gay, but I have never felt this way about a boy before and that was what scared me. This feeling was odd and for now I will try to push it out of my mind. I don't want to date Christian, I want be his friend.

Are you sure about that? I small voice in my head asked.

Of course I'm sure. I think.

Without a second thought I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and started my car and proceed to drive home.

A/N: Taylor, my pushy baby. He just won't leave Christian be, but I have no complaints. To continue reading their story please Follow, vote, comment but most importantly read. Thank you 😊

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