"Like A Date"

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It's Wednesday morning, but Harry and Draco are still on thin ice. They had a fantastic shag over the weekend, but even that couldn't fix the real issue.

Draco promised to tell Travis the truth and Harry had agreed to apologize, but it had been almost a week since he'd seen the junior CB and he wasn't about to ask Draco where he was. His problem seemed to solve itself, though, when he was headed down into the lower levels of the ministry to pull Draco away for their monthly lunch date.

"Oh- uh...Auror Potter," said Travis with a polite nod as he lowered his hand from where he was about to knock on Draco's door. "Hi."

"Er- hey, Travis," he tried politely. They could try being friends now, right? Draco didn't have many work friends. Everyone thought he was a bit scary. "Is Malfoy busy or something?"

"Not more so than usual," the younger man said, defensive as always.

"Alright, well, can I talk to you for a mo' then?" Harry asked politely and the younger man froze before agreeing.

"Uh- yeah, sure. Of course, Auror Potter, sir."

"Could you please just call me Harry?"

"I can try. Was that all you wanted to say to me, sir?"

"Bloody he- stop calling me sir." Harry took a deep breath to calm down. This kid had a way of pushing his buttons and he wasn't sure how to make it stop. "I just wanted to...er- apologize for my behavior at pub night, last week. And I thought I should extend an invitation for tomorrow. I know Hermione'll be upset if you weren't there. Other than her, you're the only other muggle born."

"Are you just being nice to me so Draco'll like you more?" Travis said, crossing his arms. Harry grit his teeth. "It won't work, you know."

"Just- forget I said anything." Harry turned away annoyed and lifted his hand to knock on the door, but no one answered. He tried again to no avail. He rolled his eyes before just opening his husband's office door to find the blond face down on a stack of papers, snoozing softly. "Wanker," the ravenette said fondly before shaking Draco's shoulder gently. The blond blinked open his eyes slowly then grinned up at Harry.

"Lunch?" he asked with a yawn.

"You slept through lunch, you bloody wanker. But I guess we can grab a sandwich from the canteen."

"I did not sleep through lunch!" Draco said sitting up indignantly. "I have an alarm that wakes me up for lunch."

"I'm the alarm," said his husband with a fond look. "And this is me, waking you up."

"F~ine," whined the blond before he noticed Travis had also walked in with Harry. "Oh. Hello, Travis."

"Hi, Draco," said the younger curse breaker. "I tried to keep him out."

"Is that what you were doing," asked Harry before leaning over and whispering to Draco: "It was a piss poor job then, wa'nnit?"

The blond snorted a laugh and shoved Harry away.

"Actually, Travis," he said as if he had gotten a brilliant idea, "Join Potter and I for lunch, will you. There's a few things we should discuss."

"I've already talked to him," Harry said confused.

"You have?"

"Yeah, I apologized and everything."

"Oh, no. You've tried to make nice, is that it?"

"Well yeah, that's what we discussed last-" Before he could say another word Draco had a hand thrown over his mouth and a very serious face on.

"Then we should definitely talk about it," Draco said instead.

"But I thought-" Harry started again, but again his husband cut him off.

"I thought I should probably talk to my boss about it first, so I wouldn't lose my sodding job."

"Then you should've thought of that before or- I mean, you could've just told me. For Merlin's sake, Malfoy, stop leaving me in the dark!" Harry snatched away before storming out of his husband's office. From down the hall he yelled back an angry: "Have lunch without me."

"He was gonna pay for lunch, the bloody prat," mumbled the blonde. He growled low in his throat then turned to Travis with an appraising glare.

"I'll buy you lunch, Draco. I don't mind," Travis said smiling in a way Draco was sure was supposed to be sultry, but this game want fun anymore.

"Actually, Travis, I think Potter was right. I slept through lunch. I have an on-site job today; I should go get my portkey scheduled before it's too late. Maybe next time?" he asked with a small fake smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, of course!" the brunette aaid with forced enthusiasm. Draco could tell he was disappointed and he wondered if he and Harry had been as obvious about liking each other before their first shag, but he doubted it. Their relationship had started in secret with passionate yelling and rough sex and he was almost positive there were parts of them that still hated each other back then. There was no room for the soft smiles and giggling until they were forced on a mission together and had to talk things through. Things were easier after that. Admitting things was easier too.

Draco stomped out of his office and towards the lifts. It was moments before he was sent spiraling towards the floor that housed the majority of the Department of Magic Law Enforcement. He was pushing Harry's office door open with more force than was absolutely necessary then inviting himself to sit on his husband's desk to wait because of course the git went to get lunch alone. He was resigned to go back to his office upset or actually schedule his portkey but then Harry walked in, carrying a bag crisps from the canteen and slamming the door behind him before noticing Draco was there.

"I thought you and Ackers went for a date," Harry said after the initial shock was over. He walked behind his desk and sat down rolling his chair back a bit as he pulled open the bag, the crinkling almost defeaning the responding silence.

"It would've just been lunch with a coworker."

"Sounds an awful lot like a date."

"I'm a married man sir," Draco said with a hand to his chest dramatically, "how dare you insinuate such a thing."

Harry snorted and rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth twitched upward.

"What did Curse Breaker Brittwood say when you met with her?"

"She knew something was up with us. You visit the CB floor too often, I'm afraid."

"Oh, shut up," Harry said through a chuckle.

"Really!" Draco insisted. "She knew we were married. Or suspected it, at least. She said it's fine, though. I haven't lost my job quite yet."

"Well thats good, right?" asked Harry, laying his head on his husband's lap and looking up at him.

"It's terrific," Draco started with a shrug, running a hand through Harry's hair, "but I haven't been too worried about it, if I'm honest. Not anymore. I'm good at my job, and she knows it. They all do."

"You're brilliant at your job," Harry agreed.

"I'm sorry I haven't told anyone else yet," he said quietly. Harry knew Draco wasn't ashamed of them, he was just proud and more than a little cowardly if he was being honest about it. He grabbed the blond's hand and kissed his knuckles realizing with a start that Draco did wear his ring to work, he just kept it glamoured. His heart soared.

"I know building a name for yourself is something you have to do on your own and I know you love this job. I wouldn't muck that up for you. I just..." He looked up from Draco's into his eyes and kissed his knuckles again, enjoying the feel of the cool metal wedding band touching his lips. "I just want to know what's going on in that gorgeous mind of yours, alright?"

"Ah," said Draco, "flattery will get you everywhere, Potter."

"Will it, now?" Harry said, sitting up with a smirk, and Draco pulled him into a kiss.


Auror Potter and the Annoying Curse Breaker {Drarry}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz