"I Couldn't Keep You To Myself Forever"

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Something is different.

Draco notices it in the way other people in the ministry are looking at him with narrowed eyes as he walks into work the next morning. His ring isn't glamoured today, hasn't been since he and Harry promised to tell everyone, but now he sees the witches and wizards who are openly ogling it. He wants to wave it around in their faces. Shove their love in these bystanders faces. Instead Draco smirks in a way he knows used to drive Harry absolutely barmy when they first got together and he wanted to act like he knew more than he actually did.

Draco doesn't find out how the news breaks until Harry comes in for their usual lunch session with a paper in his hand and self-deprecating smile on his face. He slides the newspaper over with a shake of his head and a hand through his hair.

Somehow, even having eaten at a muggle restaurant, Draco and Harry are plastered on the cover of the Daily Prophet.

"I didn't know they'd be there. I know you didn't want everyone to know so quickly and-" Harry thought he might be sick but he choked back the thought. He was s grown man now, he wasn't going to toss his guts just because some nosey wizards couldn't leave well enough alone. He sucked in a breath when Draco looked at him lovingly.

"It's okay, Harry." He grabs his husband's hand and pulls them towards the lift so they can have a bit of privacy in one of their offices, though he almost hexes three witches on the way up for ogling them so obviously. Harry's office is closer, so that's where they go, eyes following them the entire way.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Harry says once they're alone in his office, away from prying eyes and ears. Draco has him huddled against his desk in a way that should be menacing, but is softened by his smile and altogether love-struck expression. Harry has to look away to stop from kissing him on the spot. "I just- I know this isn't something you wanted plastered all over the bloody prophet."

"Merlin's sake," Draco says softly, practically in awe. They've been married for years, but that soft uncomfortable look in Harry's eyes when he thinks he's unwanted is still there. A part of Draco knows it will always be there, but he grips both of his husband's hands in his. "Harry, I love you, never doubt that; I'd scream it from the rooftops if I didn't think I'd look like a wild veela."

"I know you love me, darling," says Harry still not looking Draco in the face. The blond grabs his face with a huff of a laugh, turning it so that they're staring into each other's eyes and he blushes before ultimately even he has to look away from the intensity in those green eyes.

"And when we got married and I didn't want anyone to know...it was never about the fact that I didn't love you, I just wasn't ready to share that part of us with the world. Our home. Our relationship. I was so used to it being about us that I didn't want anyone else to come in and ruin it. Then you were offered the promotion for the auror position and I was so close to making Senior down with the curse breakers and I wanted to know that I had done it on my own. I was being selfish. I'm always being selfish."

"It's one of your more stubborn qualities," Harry says cheekily, but he's looking at him by choice, his soft loving grin still in place. Draco shoves at his shoulder and walks to sit behind the desk.

"What I'm trying to say is," he murmurs before he loses the nerve, "I'm ready now. The picture isn't too bad and I don't think anyone will be too surprised with how much time we spend together anyway. I'm not glad we didn't get to share the story ourselves, but I am glad it's finally out. I couldn't keep you to myself forever."

"You have me as long as you want me, love," Harry says, sitting on the corner of his desk and nudging Draco's knee with the tip of his shoe. "Glued to you like a sticking charm. Scout's honor."

"You were never a Dragon Scout, you prat. You were raised by Muggles."

Harry just smiles before leaning forward and pulling the floating chair Draco is sitting in closer. He kisses him soundly, his beard rubbing at the soft skin on Draco's face. When he pulls away his face is indeed red in patches, he can't be sure how much of it is blush and how much comes from him, but he thinks it's gorgeous. He cards a hand through the blond hair as they both try to catch their breath.

The knock on the door is startling, not because they're still kissing, but because they're so caught up in just being in the same space. Harry has placed himself in Draco's lap and started working on different reports scattered around his desk. The blond has his arms wrapped around his waist and his sharp chin teetering on his shoulder as he watches with a passive interest. The sound sends his eyes flicking upwards, but otherwise, he stays in the same relaxed position, even if Harry can feel him tensing slightly.

"Uh, come in?" says Harry more like a question.

There's a second before the door is tentatively pushed open. There's a wizard hiding behind a too tall stack of papers and Harry jumps up to help him. Removing the top of the stack he sees one of the junior aurors. He sends the younger man a smile.

"Auror Amin, right?" Harry asks and laughs when the man sends him an awed nod. "See they've got you playing ministry elf today, yeah?"

"It's not too bad, Auror Potter, sir," he says before lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "I get to hear all the ministry gossip."

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun then." He motions to the papers they're both holding. "Are these all for me?"

"Mostly, sir. They're reports that need to be approved by the head of the Auror team that went on the last few big missions and that was you, sir."


"Half of the stack is for Senior CB Malfoy, sir. He wasn't in his office and Junior CB Ackers said I might find him here."

"Of course he did," Harry says rolling his eyes, but he's more amused than angry. "Draco can you transfigure another desk or are you going to go back to your office like a good little Curse Breaker."

"I suppose I'll be off," Draco says with an extremely put-upon sigh. He waves his wand in the air as he stands, separating the stacks into his work and Harry's work and charming his to follow him as he walks out and towards his office. "Thank you, Auror Amin. See you at lunch, Potter."

"Wouldn't miss it, love." Harry smiles at Auror Amin. "That's my husband."

"Congratulations," Amin says before turning empty handed to run off and do whatever his next errand is. Harry is so excited that he's finally told someone that he doesn't actually get any work done before lunch. He wonders if Draco has.

Auror Potter and the Annoying Curse Breaker {Drarry}Where stories live. Discover now