"I Have No Problem Fawning All Over You"

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When Draco returns from his meeting, Harry is sucking on a sugar quill. His tongue has turned blue and he is fully ready for a proper meal.

"Do you mind if we order something and eat in the office today?" Draco says tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose. Harry stands up and walks over to him concerned, wrapping his arms around his husband's waist and pulling him closer.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, you insufferable- look, I'm just tired, but I have some papers to get through and this way we can head home early."

Draco already told some people at work about he and Potter's marriage. Of course he has, but they either don't believe him or aren't bothered either way by his relationship status and now that Travis knows, its stressful to say the least. The junior curse breakers who've heard it from Travis in the last hour or so, seem less relaxed around Draco now, as if he's going to run to Harry with everything and he let's out a groan.

"Come on, Malfoy, let me in. Keeping all your feelings bottled up is-"

"Dangerous. Yeah, so you've told me. I'm just thinking right now."

"You can think in the car," Harry insists, placing a chaste kiss on his husband's lips as if he just couldn't help it.

"We're going to a muggle place?" Draco asked surprised. They owned a car, sure, but only for muggle excursions. For places that it would seem odd to just appear to. Otherwise they just apparated and walked.

"Just thinking you should get away from the wizarding world for a while. You seem stressed and I know exactly where I want to take you."

Draco let himself be dragged from his office hand in hand with Harry as they hurried towards the elevator, but even then it seemed as though no one even cared enough to look up and take notice. It isn't like he wanted people to stare at him the way they did when he had just started working at the ministry and the mark on his arm was still relatively dark and irritated and blistered. It was pale pink on his skin now and he wonders if that's the reason they don't look at him quite as long either. He wasn't an immediate threat so he wasn't important. It would have been fine if Draco hadn't gotten used to being the center of attention.

Harry continued to drag him to the ministry floos before they both popped into their home.

"Change into something more muggle, yeah?" Harry said with a quirk of his lips. The blond agreed as he made his way up to their shared bedroom and began pulling off his curse breaker uniform and sliding into a more comfortable pair of slacks.

Draco started buttoning up his shirt in front of the mirror. His scars had long since stopped terrifying him and his nightmares were a lot more domestic now. He took a deep breath as he looked at himself and realized with a heavy sigh that it was obvious how much he looked past his prime. His hairline had been thinning and receding slowly. He had wrinkles at the corner of his eyes and he wondered when in the name of Merlin they had even gotten there. It had been years since Harry had saved the wizarding world, but he was still handsome enough to capture any witch or wizards attention.

Draco finished getting dressed and slowly made his way to meet his husband down by the car. His mind was blasting through scenarios of Harry leaving him, but the man beside him practically glowed as he walked towards him. Some miniscule part of him still thought it was a trick. He couldn't think too much on it, because they were in the car and pulling off into traffic soon enough.

"So," started Harry, peeking over at him out of the corner of his eyes.

"So?" Draco said with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, looking like such a petulant child.

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