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Emily's POV

The next morning, Alison had already left by the time I got up. I wanted to try and talk to her before I had to go to school but that went out the window. I hate that she's avoiding me. I don't know why she even did what she did last night and it's killing me not knowing. 

She said she had to leave early this morning but I think it was just an excuse so that I wouldn't get to talk to her. She probably knew I was going to try and get her to talk about last night. 

Maybe she regrets doing it and that's why she doesn't want to face me...Ugh. I just wish she would talk to me. 

I head to the brew since Aria wanted to meet up there. She said to not invite Hanna for some reason. I guess they aren't on good terms but whatever it is, I don't want to be in the middle of it. And I'm definitely not choosing sides if that's the case.

Whenever I walk into the brew, my eyes land on Aria who is already sitting down on the couch with her coffee in her hands. Her left leg is shaking up and down like she is nervous about something. Or either that, she had one too many coffees.

"So do you want to tell me why I can't invite our other best friend to drink coffee with us?" I question her, sitting down beside her. Her teeth are currently biting her bottom lip. "Did something happen that I should know about?" 

"I kissed Hanna." Aria blurts out with a scared expression, shocking me. 

"You...kissed Hanna?" I ask slowly, making sure I heard her right. She only nods her head and continues to shake her leg up and down. 

Wow, I did not see this coming. I was wondering why Aria was acting weird these past few weeks. I had no idea.

"H-How did she react?" I had to ask.

"She pushed me away from her and that was it. She ran out of my house." A tear slides down Aria's cheek making me feel sorry for her. "I thought she wanted to but I guess I was wrong." She wipes the tears away and shakes her head. "I'm so stupid." 

"Aria, you're not stupid. Nobody is stupid for acting out on their feelings toward someone." I rest my hand on her thigh to help cheer her up. She only shakes her head. 

"Then why do I feel stupid, Emily?" She snaps. "I probably just screwed up mine and Hanna's friendship!" She stands up from the couch and begins to pace back and forth. Good thing there aren't that many people in here.

"Aria, calm down. It's going to be okay." I stand up and pull her into an embrace. "Hanna probably just needs time to think about what happened."

"I don't want to lose her," Aria whispers, burying her head in my shoulder. 


School couldn't have been any slower today. I have been anxious to get back home to see Alison so we can talk about last night. That's the only thing I could even think about during all of my classes. Her. 

"Hey, Em!" I turn around to see Hanna trying to catch up to me. She looks like she's on a mission right now. "I need to talk to you about what happened last night." 

"Aria kissed you? Yeah, I know." Hanna furrows her eyebrows at me.

"How did you know that?"

"She told me this morning at the brew." 

"And I wasn't invited?" Her expression turns to hurt.

"Well, considering your reaction to the kiss, she had every reason to not invite you this morning. She's devastated, Han." 

"I know my reaction was the worst one ever. I mean who runs out of the house when their best friend kisses them?" She throws her hands up in the air, frustrated with herself.

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