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Alison's POV

As soon as I come out of the room, I see Caroline shutting the front door with a confused look on her face. 

"Who was at the door?" 



"Um, Emily. That's weird. Why would she be showing up at your house without her dad?" She gives me a raised eyebrow with a confused look. 

"She was supposed to come over to help me plan a date with Wayne. She knows him best and I wanted the date to be perfect." I lie. It's a pretty good lie. 

"Oh okay. She seemed upset about something." Caroline shrugs her shoulders without thinking about it. Good. I don't need her connecting dots. She is very good at that. The last thing I need is for her figuring it out and blab her mouth to Wayne. Or either that, tell me it's wrong. 

"I imagine she had a long day at school." Caroline nods her head before looking at the time. 

"Well, I hate to cut this short but I need to get back to the motel to pay for another night." 

"You're staying another night?" She nods her head with a smile.

"I want to make sure you're okay before I up and leave." She walks over and gives me a hug in which I return.

"Thank you for coming over." I give her a warm smile.

"I'm here if you need anything." 

"Thanks, Care." As soon as she walks out the door, I grab my cell and click on Emily's name. The phone rings several times. "Come on, Emily. Please pick up." But she doesn't. It goes to voicemail. Great. 

She probably thinks something is going on between me and Caroline when there isn't. I told her that there was nothing between us but yet she doesn't believe me. 


Things were going so great between us and now everything is a complete mess again. 

Why does Emily have to jump to conclusions right away? Doesn't she know I love her by now? And that I only want to be with her? 

I try to call her again but this time it goes straight to voicemail. Great. She turned her phone off.

Why is she being like this? Why can't she talk to me like an adult? Instead of being childish? But then again, I did the same thing to her. Now I know how she feels. But she should know by now that something isn't always what it seems like considering the whole thing with Paige.

She needs to hear me out. She needs to hear the whole story so we can go back to being okay again. 


By the time I arrive at her house, it's dark. Wayne should be asleep by now considering he has work early in the morning. Emily has school tomorrow as well but knowing her, she's still up because she's overthinking things that didn't happen between me and Caroline.

I take out my phone and send Emily a text. She's going to have to come out or I'm staying here until she has to leave for school. 

A few minutes go by after sending the text to Emily before she walks out the door with an angry look on her face. I see she is still mad at nothing.

"Let me explain." I tell her before she can even start screaming at me.

"Explain what, Alison? That you knew Caroline was over at your house when you sent me that text? Was this your whole plan? To make me fall in love with you just for you to break my heart in the end? Because if so, it worked!" She snaps.

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